chapter 39: the big day.

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Third person pov:

The soft glow of early afternoon sun filtered through the stained-glass windows of the small, intimate venue. It painted colorful patterns on the floor as the guests took their seats, the air buzzing with quiet anticipation. Siobhan and Vivian's wedding day had arrived, a moment that seemed like destiny after years of love, laughter, and shared dreams.

Vivian stood at the altar, her heart pounding in her chest, her eyes fixed on Siobhan, who was walking down the aisle in a stunning gown. Siobhan, radiant and serene, met her eyes with a look that spoke of everything they'd been through.

Marjorie, standing as the maid of honor, was already blinking back tears, clutching her bouquet a little too tightly. Reece, standing beside her as best man, was no better off. He had never imagined he'd be this emotional, but here he was, his eyes glistening as he watched two of his closest friends prepare to make the biggest commitment of their lives.

Winter and Autumn, married for years, sat together, holding hands with a knowing look exchanged between them. They'd been through this, and they knew the weight of vows like these. Mia and Charlotte sat nearby, Mia gently cradling one of Siobhan and Vivian's ten-month-old twins, who was curled up and fast asleep against her chest. Charlotte, who always cried at weddings, had uncharacteristic tears streaming down her face, overwhelmed by the love in the room.

In the back, Clodagh and Sorscha sat with their one-year-old daughter Quinn, who babbled softly on her mother's lap, unaware of the significance of the day. Siobhan and Vivian's other twin was cuddled up with Charlotte, and their five-year-old son Jamie clung to Reece, who whispered comforting words to him, even as his own voice shook.

The moment came for the vows. Vivian's voice wavered as she began. "Siobhan, you are the light in my life. You've seen me at my worst and my best, and through everything, you've loved me without hesitation. From the moment I met you, I knew you were the one person who would always have my heart. You are my home, my safe place, and my greatest adventure. Today, I vow to love you, through every high and low, through every joy and sorrow. I promise to grow with you, to stand by your side no matter what life throws at us, and to be your partner in every sense of the word. I love you, more than words could ever express."

Siobhan, already teary-eyed, took a deep breath before speaking, her voice thick with emotion. "Vivian, from the moment you came into my life, everything changed. You showed me a love that I never thought was possible, a love that lifts me up and makes me a better person every day. You've given me more than I could have ever dreamed-our beautiful family, our incredible life together. I promise to cherish you, to support you, to stand with you through every storm, and to celebrate with you in every triumph. You are my heart, my world, and I will love you until the end of my days."

As their vows echoed through the room, Marjorie couldn't hold back any longer, soft sobs escaping her as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Reece reached over and squeezed her shoulder, his own tears slipping down his face despite his best efforts to stay composed. Even Jamie, who had been quietly snuggling into Reece's arms, whimpered softly, as if he could sense the gravity of the moment.

The officiant, with a smile that seemed to reflect the love and warmth in the room, pronounced Siobhan and Vivian married. "You may now kiss."

As their lips met, the room erupted into applause, cheers, and more tears. Mia leaned over and kissed Charlotte's cheek, both of them smiling through their tears. Winter and Autumn shared a look, filled with memories of their own wedding and a deep, shared understanding of what this day meant. Clodagh gently bounced Quinn on her knee, her heart full as she watched Siobhan and Vivian kiss, knowing the journey they had all been on to get to this day.

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