chapter 23: two lines

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A/N once again, this is for you, babes Kayleigh_May_Roberts  TW: miscarriage and abuse mentions. Sorry.

Third person pov:

A few weeks had passed since Siobhan started going through ivf, and today was the day she was going to do the test. Vivian has been there for her start to finish. As for Jamie, he had no idea what was going on, but he had started to notice that his mama seemed to be acting differently than usual...

To say that Siobhan is worried is an understatement. She's absolutely petrified. When she was with Roger one night, he took advantage of her, and soon after, she found out that she was pregnant It absolutely broke her heart. She knew that she couldn't have a baby, not with him anyway. He was far too abusive and manipulative it would absolutely destroy the baby. It would have been weird to, especially since Autumn and reece would be the babies' half sibling and reece was older than Siobhan.

At the same time, she felt like this baby would be an escape from Roger. Stupidly, Siobhan assumed that if Roger found out that she was pregnant, he would stop abusing her. She couldn't have been more wrong... when she found out, he was the first person he told as she didn't have anyone else at the time. She thought that he would be happy about it.. don't ask why she thought that, but God, she couldn't have been more wrong. He hit her and punched her multiple times in the stomach. He only stopped when she started bleeding. That's how she knew that she had lost the one thing in life that could make her happy.

Ever since that day, Siobhan has been absolutely terrified at the thought of going through pregnancy again but she knows that with vivian it's alot different plus, she now has her close friends, marjorie, reece and autumn who would be there and support her no matter what.

Finally, the time came to take the test. She did it in the bathroom with viviam not leaving her side for a moment. After the test was done, they made their way back into their bedroom.

Siobhan sat on the edge of her bed, her hands trembling as she held the small white stick in front of her. She had tried to calm herself down, but the nerves were making her heart race. The silence of the room only amplified the sound of her breathing, which seemed louder and heavier with each second that passed. She was absolutely terrified at the thought of this not working. Viv was worried too, but the most important thing was that she was there for Siobhan. That's all that mattered. No matter the results, vivian will still be proud of Siobhan and love her regardless.

“Are you okay?” Vivian asked softly, not wanting to push but unable to keep silent.

Siobhan didn’t answer. She just stared down at the test in her hand, waiting. The seconds stretched longer, and Vivian could feel the tension tightening in the room like a knot being pulled tighter and tighter. Siobhan had been late for almost two weeks now, and neither of them had said it out loud as it could just be because of the ivf treatment. It wasn't guaranteed that this was even going to work.

Suddenly, Siobhan’s eyes widened as the small screen showed its result. Two pink lines.


Siobhan’s mouth opened slightly, but no words came out. Her hand dropped to her side as she stared blankly at the test, her mind racing to catch up with the reality she was now facing.

Vivians eyes filled up with tears. When Siobhan noticed that Vivian was crying, she started too. She couldn't even help it. Anytime she saw her fiance crying, she cried too.

"You did it." Vivian spoke quietly.

"No, Viv. We did it. I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you by my side. I love you so much, and now I'm even going to be having our baby." Vivian was now crying uncontrollably. It was actually happening. She is going to have a baby with the love of her life, and she wouldn't have this any other way.

The two of them sat there in silence for a few more moments, holding hands, the enormity of the situation still sinking in but feeling just a little bit lighter with the promise of not facing it alone. They had each other throughout it all. Siobhan was never going to be alone. She has her little family of soon to be four who will always be there for her, and she will always be there for them too.

Jamie walked into their bedroom and noticed that Siobhan and vivian were sat holding hands and crying. Siobhan knew that she was going to have to tell him. She couldn't bring herself to lie to her son, especially not while they were crying.

"Mama? Mummy? Why are you both crying? What's going on?" Jamie asked with sympathetic eyes. It made Siobhan and vivian absolutely melt. He cares so much about both of his mum's.

Vivian and Siobhan exchange a look that secretly says we need to tell him. It's like they could read eachothers mind. Vivian took the situation into her own hands.

"Jamie, sweetheart, sit down. Please, mummy and Mama need to talk about something very important, and we need to make sure that you have your listening ears on. Jamie nods enthusiastically and sits down on the bed right in the middle of Siobhan and vivian.

"Jamie, mama Siobhan is pregnant.. you're going to be a big brother, little man. I know that this is all you have ever wanted, and now your wish has come true. You're going to be the best big brother in the world, and we already know it."

Jamie jumps up and down on the bed in excitement.  The one thing he has always wanted was actually happening. He's going to be a big brother. It's such a big responsibility for a little 5 years old, but he is going to be the best big brother in the world. He couldn't be more proud of his mama's.

Siobhan started crying out of happiness at Jamie's reaction. This really did make her so happy. Siobhan has all she has ever wanted, her own baby, and to go through pregnancy as well as having the best fiance a girl could ask for and a son that accepted her into his family.

Vivian pulled Siobhan in for a long hig. Siobhan, being Siobhan, clung to her as tight as she could. They did it. Not only did they do it, but they were actually going to have their own baby. Siobhan was really pregnant.  It's all she's ever wanted in life, and nothing will go wrong.

Jamie saw his mama's hugging, and he immediately wanted to join them. This is where they belong. In eachothers embrace with no interruptions.

After a few hours of just cuddling in bed, Jamie fell asleep right in the middle of his mama's holding both of their arms so tight you'd think if he let go, they would both disappear but none of them were going anywhere. They finally have the life that they have always wanted but not always have been able to have until now.

"Vivi, I love you so much, and there is no one in the world that I would rather do this with. You are my everything. I can't wait to have your baby." Siobhan said, struggling to hold in her tears. Vivian was unable to hold them in. They started streaming down her face once again.

"Oh my sweet bon bon, I love you so much too. You are my world. I am so proud of you, princess, and I'm happy that you're finally happy. You deserve the world and more, and I am going to make sure that you get the life that you deserve. The same goes for Jamie and the littlest baby." Siobhan was crying too. Luckily, Jamie was fast asleep, meaning that vivian could carefully move Jamie across the bed a bit so she could fall asleep in her fiances arms. And that's exactly what she did.

They both fell asleep, dreaming happily of their little family of four. They couldn't be more proud of each other. This is the life Siobhan has always dreamed of, and now she finally has it.

A/n: Haven't proof read. Oops.

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