chapter 30: sibling love

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Third person pov:

Siobhan pushed open the front door, gently balancing the car seat with one hand while cradling newborn Hailey in the other. The soft cries of Harper, bundled up in the second car seat, filled the room as she placed them down in the living room.

"Home sweet home," she sighed, looking over at their 5 year old son, Jamie, who was bouncing with excitement near the bouncers they had set up for the twins. His little feet pattered on the floor as he ran over to check on his baby sisters.

Vivian, walking behind with the bags from the hospital, kissed Siobhan on the cheek. "We made it." She smiled, though there were dark circles under her eyes from the long nights they'd been having in the hospital.

Siobhan set the girls in their bouncers, gently rocking them as their tiny eyes fluttered in and out of sleep. “Just let us know when you’re ready for a nap, little ones,” she whispered.

"I'll take these to the kitchen," Vivian said, gesturing to the bags. Siobhan nodded and followed her, both women knowing they had a few minutes to spare before the twins needed feeding again.

From the kitchen, they could hear Jamie chatting away in the living room, his excited voice carrying through the house. "Okay, sissys, listen up!" He began his words filled with the same confidence he'd use when explaining something very important to his preschool friends. Siobhan smiled at the sound whole she'd poured a glass of water, momentarily resting her aching feet.

“First, I’m gonna teach you how to ride a bike. It’s really easy. I’m really good at it, so don’t worry. We’ll go fast like superheroes!”

Vivian leaned against the counter, a knowing grin spreading across her face. “Oh boy, he's already planning their future.”

“And,” Jamie continued, his little voice growing louder, “you’re gonna love Paw Patrol! There’s this dog named Chase, and he’s a police pup, and Marshall is the firefighter. You’re gonna think they’re the coolest!”

Siobhan and Vivian exchanged glances, their hearts melting. “He’s already their big brother and protector,” Siobhan whispered.

They quietly walked back toward the living room, peeking around the corner, trying not to interrupt. There, Jamie sat cross-legged on the floor, facing the two bouncers, each baby swaddled and snug. His bright eyes were wide with enthusiasm as he gently poked Harper’s tiny foot, completely absorbed in his one-sided conversation.

“And when you’re a little older, I’ll show you how to play with Legos, but only the big ones ‘cause you’re too little for the small ones right now.” He paused thoughtfully before adding, “But that’s okay, I’ll show you everything.”

Siobhan bit her lip to hold back a laugh, while Vivian’s hand rested on her shoulder, both of them too touched to speak for a moment. The scene before them was pure love—Jamie was already the best big brother, filled with dreams of adventures and endless things to share with his new sisters.

Vivian cleared her throat softly, finally stepping into the room. “What’s going on in here, Jamie?”

Jamie whipped his head around, eyes wide as if he’d been caught in the middle of a grand plan. “I was just telling Hailey and Harper that I’m gonna teach them how to ride bikes and about Paw Patrol.”

Siobhan knelt beside him, ruffling his hair gently. “That sounds like a great plan. I’m sure they’ll love learning from you.”

Jamie nodded seriously, as if this were the most important responsibility in the world. “Yeah, I’m their big brother, so I gotta teach them everything.”

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