Chapter 32: She's My Ex

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As the first light of dawn began to filter through the curtains, Shun slowly stirred awake. The gentle rise and fall of Dai's chest, where his head had rested all night, was the first thing he noticed. Carefully, so as not to disturb Dai, Shun slipped out of bed, pausing for a moment to look at Dai, who was still deep in sleep, his face peaceful and relaxed. A small, affectionate smile tugged at Shun's lips as he tiptoed out of the room, quietly closing the door behind him.

The house was quiet in the early morning, the kind of quiet that Shun had grown to love. As he made his way down the hallway, the faint sounds of someone moving in the kitchen reached his ears. Curious, he headed in that direction and found Keiko, Dai’s mother, already at work preparing breakfast. The kitchen was warm, the air filled with the comforting aroma of cooking, and Keiko moved with a practiced ease that spoke of years of caring for her family.

Shun’s face lit up as he approached her. “Good morning, Mom,” he greeted, his voice still soft from sleep.

Keiko turned to him with a bright, welcoming smile. “A very good morning, son,” she replied warmly, her eyes crinkling at the corners in that motherly way that always made Shun feel at home. The affection in her voice was unmistakable, and it made Shun’s heart swell with gratitude.

Noticing the work she was doing, Shun immediately stepped closer. “Let me help you with that,” he offered, reaching for a bowl on the counter.

Keiko waved a hand dismissively, though her smile remained. “It’s fine, Shun. You should go back to sleep for a while longer. It’s still early, and I can wake you up when breakfast is ready.”

But Shun was persistent. “Mom, I want to help,” he insisted gently, his tone earnest. “I’m already awake, and I’d really like to help you.”

Keiko paused for a moment, her expression softening even more as she took in Shun’s sincerity. “All right, I’ll let you help,” she finally agreed, her smile widening. “But only if you promise to let me do most of the work.”

Shun laughed lightly, nodding. “Deal.”

They worked together in comfortable silence for a while, moving around the kitchen with an easy rhythm. Keiko would give a small instruction here and there, and Shun would follow it, learning her methods as they went. There was something deeply comforting about the simplicity of the task, and the bond between them grew stronger with every shared smile and quiet word.

Meanwhile, back in the bedroom, Dai began to stir. He reached out instinctively, expecting to find Shun beside him, but when his hand met empty sheets, his eyes blinked open in confusion. The bed felt too large, too empty without Shun’s presence. Still half-asleep, he sat up, rubbing his eyes and trying to wake up fully.

“Where could he have gone?” Dai mumbled to himself, running a hand through his tousled hair. He got up, slipping on a shirt, and wandered out of the room in search of his missing boyfriend.

It didn’t take long for him to find Shun. The sight that greeted him when he reached the kitchen made him smile: Shun was standing by the counter, working alongside his mom, the two of them moving in perfect sync. Dai’s heart swelled with affection, the scene so endearing that it made him want to wrap Shun in his arms right then and there.

Still bleary-eyed, he padded into the kitchen, his presence drawing the attention of both Shun and Keiko. “Good morning, Mom,” he mumbled, his voice thick with sleep.

Keiko looked over her shoulder, smiling at her son. “Good morning, Dai. Did you sleep well?”

Dai nodded, stepping closer to Shun. Without warning, he wrapped his arms around Shun’s waist from behind, pulling him close in a warm embrace. “Good morning, baby,” he whispered against Shun’s ear, his breath tickling the sensitive skin there.

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