Chapter 33: I am Shun, his boyfriend

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When Dai uttered the words "she’s my ex," a storm of emotions brewed within Shun. The words, simple as they were, carried a weight that landed heavily on his heart. For a moment, the bustling café around him faded into the background, and all he could hear was the echo of Dai’s voice. The word “ex” looped in his mind, stirring a strange mixture of insecurity, curiosity, and a twinge of jealousy. He wanted to know more—who she was to Dai, what they had shared—but at the same time, he dreaded the answers.

Shun’s heart tightened, but he fought to maintain a calm exterior, refusing to let his insecurities show. After all, he trusted Dai. Yet, the unexpectedness of the situation left him feeling slightly off balance, as though the ground beneath him had shifted just a bit.

Ayumi approached the woman with a surprised expression. “Hana, do you know Dai?” she asked, her curiosity evident.

The woman, now identified as Hana, nodded, her eyes lingering on Dai. “I do. He’s my ex.” Her voice was calm, almost too calm, as though she had rehearsed this moment in her mind.

Shun’s heart skipped another beat at her words, but he remained quiet, observing their interaction with a keen eye. Hana walked over to Dai, her steps slow and deliberate, as though she was bracing herself for something. “It’s been a long time, Dai. How are you?” she asked, her tone carrying a familiarity that made Shun’s chest tighten a little more.

Dai managed a smile, though it was tinged with surprise. “I’m good. How come you’re here? I thought you were going abroad.”

Hana offered a small, enigmatic smile. “I’m on vacation. Needed a break from everything.”

Shun listened to their exchange, trying to decipher the subtext beneath their words, but he felt lost. There was history here, a past he wasn’t part of, and it made him feel like an outsider, despite Dai’s constant reassurances.

Ayumi, sensing the tension, quickly tried to lighten the mood. “Isn’t it a small world? Who would’ve thought you guys would meet again like this?” She turned to Dai with a grin. “By the way, Hana is the cousin I was talking about.”

Dai nodded, still processing the surprise. “It really is a small world,” he agreed, his tone slightly bemused.

Hana’s gaze drifted to Shun, who had been quietly standing by Dai’s side. She tilted her head slightly, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. “And who is this?” she asked, her voice polite but tinged with something more—perhaps a hint of protectiveness over the shared past with Dai.

Before Dai could answer, Shun, with newfound confidence, stepped forward and extended his hand. “Hi, I’m Shun,” he said, his voice steady and sure. “His boyfriend.”

The words hung in the air, and for a moment, time seemed to slow. Shun’s tone was firm, carrying a sense of pride and security. His eyes met Hana’s, and he didn’t flinch or waver. He wanted her to know, without a doubt, where he stood in Dai’s life now.

Hana felt a slight pang in her chest at Shun’s words. She hadn’t expected to feel anything, yet there it was—a flicker of something she couldn’t quite name. Nostalgia? Regret? She couldn’t tell. But she knew that Shun’s presence was solid, real, and undeniably important to Dai. Her lips curved into a soft smile, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I see,” she replied, her voice calm but tinged with something unspoken.

Dai, meanwhile, felt a rush of warmth and emotion at Shun’s confident introduction. His heart swelled with pride and affection, the depth of his feelings for Shun crystallizing in that moment. He realized, perhaps more clearly than ever, just how much Shun meant to him. The past with Hana was just that—the past. His present, his future, was standing right beside him, hand extended in a gesture of unwavering confidence.

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