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The song autumn leaves by ed sheeran is good for this chapter but I couldn't find it anywhere- listen if you can

Thank you xo

(2 months later)

2 months is a lot of time to be away from the people you love.Although I guess it's best for a change once in a while and England is cool.

Danny insisted on taking me out today as he noticed the boys hadn't called in a couple weeks.

I was sat on my roof watching the leaves fall as I listened to my music.

Watching the different shade of orange leaves fall from the trees made me realise something.
I wasn't the only one in theses cold English conditions the boys where to.

They have finished touring America and there break so that means they are now touring England.The same country as me.

"Hey Aussie"Danny shouted from the garden.
"Hey American"
"Come down im taking you to the fair."

I un plugged my earphones and shot them into my window onto the bed.
Then climbing inside and running down the stairs to greet Danny.

Running into the garden I jumped onto his back.
"Your hairs looking a bit swoopy."I ran my fingers through his fringe pushing it out of his eyes.

"I know it keeps me warm.Grab your coat and we'll go."
Walking towards the coat rack I noticed my nan sat watching TV.

"Jessica"she shouted and I walked in.
"What's wrong?"
"Your cousins on TV look."
She pointed towards the TV and I felt like I was going to faint.

Two blue couches full of boys appeared on the screen.Of corse it had to be a 5sos and All time low interview.

"Danny come here" I shouted breathless.
Just as the camera zoomed in on Calum I sat down knowing if I didn't I could possibly faint.

"So 5sos you are an attractive bunch of lads so we'll go from left to right ,who's single and who isn't."

Luke answered first then Michael then Ashton then Calum.
"Taken"Luke smiled and I knew him and Cerys where still going strong.

"Taken"Michael blushed bringing his hands up to his face.

"Single"Ashton mumbled then came Calums answer which I was dreading and didn't want to hear id rather not know if he's with some other girl.

Danny was sat beside me and I could feel Nannas eyes glued to me.

"It's complicated"he sighed and the three boys where looking at him and I could tell he was upset from the way he was slouching and fiddling with the sleeves of his plaid shirt.

"Care to explain?"the presenter asked and he shook his head vigorously.

"We'd be here for hours!"Michael explained and Calum gave him a small smile.Thank god Michael said that.

"You still wanna go out?"Danny asked hugging me.
"Yeh lets go"I pulled him up and said goodbye to nan.


Danny had dragged me around the fair all day and I seriously had no energy.

He had been trying for half an hour to win me a teddy on the grab machine.
"Danny your just waisting your money."I sighed trying to pull him away.He just wouldn't move!

"Wait Jess I've nearly got it."he cheered as the koala bear fell in the gap.
"To remind you of home."he passed me the bare with a sweet smile.

"Thank you very much but Danny can we go get food now?"
"Of corse"

Nervously Danny looked down at me and I wasn't sure why.That was until he reached for my hand and locked our fingers.

It wasn't right though so I pulled away.
"You still love Calum don't you?"
"How could I not?Ive loved him since I was four."

"You know I care about you."he told me and I nodded hugging him.
"Danny your great and everything but I'm just not for you.I miss Cal."

"Do you think he misses you?"
I didn't know what to say he hadn't called or tried to talk to me so I wasn't sure.

He must miss me right?I love him and miss him every second.

"Don't worry i shouldn't have asked.Im sure he misses you, I miss you when I leave to my aunts."
I giggled pulling away from his hug and walking close beside him.

"The boys are in England now."
"Why don't you come to the show with me?"
"You only have one ticket."
"Shit yeh I could give you it."
"No no way you've never seen them before I have."

"We'll find a way you can get in."
"I could just call Alex, hurry up I'm hungry."

I told him as he was dawdling, we walked past a group of about 20 girls and they glanced at me and Danny for a second before going back to there business on their phones or talking.

"That was weird!"he sighed as we walked into the pizza place(the only nice one in the town!)

The bell rang as Danny opened the door and a white haired boy with green eyes looked up at me, followed by crystal blue ones.

Without a second thought I ran to them and squeezed Michael in a hug before he could even stand up properly.

"Fuck I missed you."he mumbled into my shoulder as I still had him in my hug.
"What are you doing here?"I finally asked on the verge of tears.

"Alex told me your address so I went and your nan said you where out.So then I went back to the hotel and Luke wanted to go for pizza...I'm not surprised to see you here."he giggled and I walked over to Luke hugging him before shuffling in the seat beside him.

We ordered food and Danny and Mike where talking away about nonsense(probably video games!) I couldn't help but wonder where Calum was.
"Where's Cal?"I mumbled to Luke.
"He didn't want to come outside.Didn't feel like being around the fans."
"Oh those girls outside?"

"Yeh they can be a bit over the top, especially cause they can tell Calums sad.He barely goes out apart from at shows.

Have you two spoke at all?"Luke sounded concerned and I leaned into his shoulder after I shook my head.

"Do you want to see him?"
"Of corse but....Luke he hasn't even tried to talk to me.I saw that interview this morning too I hate seeing him like that but he doesn't even try.Not with me anyways!"

"He thinks you forgot about him please come see him.Jess you need to talk to him or things are just going to get worse.Come on he's my best friend!"

"Luke I said I can't."I snapped walking out of the pizza shop and once I got away from those girls that where staring at me I ran home.

If I spoke to Calum everything that's happened this year will just come back and I can't do that.
Not when I've just started to feel better.Just to see Michael and Luke again was bad enough and seeing Michael's eyes across that room made me want to cry.But I wasn't sure if it was good or bad but I do know It would be a lot worse with Calum.

Maybe if I just wait till they aren't in town anymore I'll be okay I think.
When I got in the house I just wanted to go upstairs and cry on my own.

Nan had different ideas though.
"Jess come here please."
"That boy with the strange hair that was on the TV came today."

"I know"
"Did he find you?"
"Kind of but I don't want to talk about it can I go upstairs?"

"Wait your upset what happened?"
"I was so glad to see him again but Luke was there and I love them...But he started talking about Calum and it was a bit much."

"Oh okay wasn't he there?"
"Where's Danny?"
"Probably with them, can I go upstairs now?"
"Did you eat?"

I nodded and then she hugged me before i walked up my stairs immediately braking down and crying.
Not even making it to the bed so I just rested my back against the door that I just managed to lock.

My hands where trembling and I just sat there pulling the teddy close to my chest as the only comfort I had.Then letting my self breakdown!

English Love Affair// Calum T. HoodWhere stories live. Discover now