the wedding

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I rolled over and was saddened as I wasn't used to the bed being empty.

Calum stayed with Luke last night and Cerys stayed here.This is because of you know, that superstition were if the bride and groom see each other before the ceremony it's bad luck.Luke and Cerys did when they got married 3 years ago so we might as well.

"Can I at least call him?"I asked no one in particular as the hair dresser finished my hair.
"Sorry it's bad luck"

"Not to call him it's not, I wanna see how Tommy is."
"Nice try, dad phoned earlier Thomas is fine.Just relax"Mali giggled a little.

"You all look amazing" I stated looking at my bridesmaids in there baby blue dress'.
Calum wanted green and yellow like his cal-pal costume tight and bright. Remember?

Mali, Denise , Cerys and Lilly where all ready now.Just me left.
I remember when I was Lilly's age like it was yesterday, she's older now I remember her being that little 4 your old with a crush on Calum.

But let's face it; Who doesn't have a crush on Calum?

"Denise"I called her over after I got my makeup on.
"I don't feel to good"I sighed clenching my stomach as I felt like I was gonna throw up.

"It's probably just nerves"
"I don't think it is"I replied shaking once I realised what it could be.
"Jess why are you shaking?Jess is there something you need to tell me?Jessica?"she said and I snapped out of my day dream.

"Could you get me a test please?"
"Well I'm in a bridesmaid dress in not going to a chemist in this.Anyway you have Tommy how the fuck?!"

"When he stayed at Alex's after the dress fitting.Will you call Ash and ask him to go pick one up?"
"Sure but try and relax, okay?"
"How can I I'm getting married in a hour and a half and I might be having a baby?"

She giggled a little before pulling out her phone to call Ashton.
About 15 minutes later Ash arrived with a big grin on his face.
"I can't believe you two"he giggled handing me the test.I quickly shoved it in my purse before handing it to my mum.

"Thank you so much Ash"I said hugging him tight.
"You all look beautiful by the way"he winked at Denise and kissed the back of my hand.

"No telling Calum okay?Now go your going to be late."
"Byeee"he shouted jogging back to his car and pushing up his now shoulder length hair.

I walked into my bedroom my mum walking behind me as she was going to help me into my dress.
"Are you pregnant again or is that test for one of your bridesmaids?"

"I'm not sure mum but I might be"I sighed adjusting my dress to fit right.
She squealed a little before hugging me,"I hope you have a little girl so I can buy her cute dresses and princess' since you didn't like it."

"I don't think Calum would allow that."I giggled.
"Have you told him?"
"Not yet I'm going to tonight."
"Okay I won't say anything"
"Not even to Joy, she'll tell him mum!"
"My lips are sealed but we have half and hour and Alex is here so we need to go."

I decided on Alex giving me away seen as my dad is such a shit stain.When I walked down the stairs I saw him at the bottom smiling dressed in his suit, nearly crying.

"My little o.t.p are getting married this is to much"he sighed sarcastically making me laugh.

"You look more beautiful than usual"he smiled hugging me.
"Thank you, let's go get me married."I took a deep breath and squeezed Alex's hand my flowers in the other.

The car pulled up outside and it was cute really, the car the boys used in the Amnesia video.
"Do you have something to tell me?"Alex asked and I was a little shocked.

"Do I?"
"So Ashton didn't leave early to go to the chemist for you after Denise called him?"

"What's to say it was for me?"
"Jess I'm not stupid are you pregnant?"
He smiled widely when I nodded.

"Just shut up about it okay, I'm telling Calum later.I don't know if I am yet!"
"He's gonna be so excited."

"Shit Alex I'm nervous what if something goes wrong?Im getting married in 15 minutes."
"It won't it's gonna be okay, just think you'll be Mrs Hood by the end of today."


We arrived at the top of the church Calum chose and my heart was pounding and I felt like I was gonna be sick.
"I need to see Calum"I sighed squeezing Alex's hand even tighter as my palms became more sweaty.

"It's our turn to walk soon"he smiled as Luke, Ash and Mikey turned around because Calum couldn't pick one best man.

Luke and Ashton were smiling widely there Jaws practically on the floor as the girls walked down the Isle.

Luke was winking at Cerys and Ashton was Just smiling uncontrollably as he saw Denise and I, but Michael.Mike was giggling looking from my stomach to me to Calum.

I guess Ashton just couldn't help himself!

I could just see the back of Calum's head and I wanted so desperately to run up behind him and hug him so I was finally his wife.

Once I was about four steps away from him Michael tapped his shoulder and Calum turned around with tears in his eyes.

"Jess you look beautiful"he took my hand when Alex sat down and I couldn't help but hug him.I didn't care how many people were there this is Calum and I's wedding.No one else's!

"I love you."I whispered in his ear,
"I love you too"he replied as I stood next to him holding his hand.

"May we proceed?"the priest asked and we both said yes very eagerly.
I didn't pay very much attention after that I was just staring at Calum.All I cared about was that I was going to be married to him in a matter of seconds.

We said our i dos and Calum got the ring on my finger with a little bit of force seen as my hands were a little bit puffy.
Both of us were crying by now and so was Ashton and a few other people.

"You may now kiss your bride."he said to Calum and he dabbed away my tears before leaning in to kiss me.
"I love you Mrs Jessica Hood"he mumbled when our foreheads were touching before kissing me passionately.

"I love you too Calum T Hood"I smiled pulling away as he wrapped his arms around me.Both of us a host to huge grins on our faces.

"Let's go PARTTTTTY"he practically screamed as he swooped me of my feet to carry me into the car.

"Calum be careful, your not as strong as you used to be"I giggled.
"Just because your my wife doesn't mean you can insult me."he smiled sitting me in the car and him shuffling in next to me.

"Its the truth...and I like being called your wife finally."
"And I love you finally being my wife."he handed me a glass of champagne and wanted to cheers to us.

I did but didn't drink it, just pretended to take a little sip.

You have to be cautious!

English Love Affair// Calum T. HoodWhere stories live. Discover now