TPP : Chapter III

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"i don't think this is a good idea."

"babe, look at me."

she looked at him, falling in love just a little more then she already was. Was it so possible that this could be happening right now? Was it so possible that she was about to risk her life just so she could be with this man? It was possible, very possible because it was happening. It happened every day and she continued on because she loved him. He leaned over to the passenger seat and grabbed her chin, planting a small kiss to her lips. Butterflies flew all around in her stomach but felt as if there wings turned to razors when he pulled the clip from under the seat. nervousness set in when she realized this was reality and this was about to happen for real. She had been to prison before, but only for little things like stealing a car or home invasions, but this could end up in murder and she hadn't ever been involved with that. Her Red Bottom Christian Louboutin heels began to sink lightly into the wet muddy grass, it had rained all day which wasn't a good sign because in the movies everything bad ended or began with rain. Bad weather meant bad things, it was a superstition she had and it was hard to have positive thoughts when the weather was negative. They walked into the big abandoned building, her heel clicking echoed through out its concrete walls surrounding them completely

"mad dawg..... Its Shad..."

Slowly one shadow figure came closer but as the seconds ticked on, the shadows grew more and more and before the happy couple knew it they were surrounded by the rival gang

"What the hell is this? you said you would only show up if only me and my shorty came. I aint bring my gang why would you-"

"Shut up!"

He followed instructions, usually he would stand his ground but with one clip and only ten bullets, it was nothing compared to a gang with a bunch of AK-47s. One of them grabbed her arm, pulling her to him while another grabbed Rashad, they were still close yet they felt so far apart. Her heart began to pound as they all began to walk forward. Towards the back end of the building was a large door, once you opened it it was decorated nicely with furniture, it was still a dump but past those doors was more then just concrete and graffiti.

"Wheres the money, Mad Dawg?"

He sat at his desk as the two gang members who separated the couple placed them on the couch together, She nervously felt around and grabbed on to his hand. She was scared to death right now, much more then when she was walking in simply because if anything broke out it would be one against nearly thirty, she didn't have a gun so Rashad would be defending himself by himself. Mad Dawg smirked as he made a steeple with his two pointer fingers, he leaned forward placing his finger tips against his top lip

"See that's the thing. I don't have it."

Rashad shot up from his chair and grabbed the clip from out of his pants, she closed her eyes tight awaiting the sound of the gun to go off but it never happened. It stayed silent other then the sound of a lighter flicking. She opened her eyes to see Rashad holding the gun in his hands as Mad Dawg puff from a cigar nonchalantly as if he knew that Rashad didn't want to kill anybody.


She looked up as a large guy by the name of Brian placed a hand to Rashad's shoulder and pushed him down. He squeezed the handle of the cold metal gun tightly as if it were to vanish if he let it go, he was just as nervous as she was if not more because he was the one with the weapon. If anything would happen they would bust a cap in him before her.

"I don't have the money and you came prepared because you knew i wouldn't."

He looked down at the gun because he knew it was right. He came prepared because he knew what was supposed to go down if he didn't give the cash to him that night, she swallowed the lump that sat precisely in her throat but that helped nothing, it was as if it only made it grow more.

"you messed up Rashad, you lent money to me without knowing we were in rival gangs. now its up to you to get that money back because if you don't your own gang will turn on you and kill you."

he took a drag from his cigar and held it in for what felt like hours. She got the chills when she heard the click of the gun being cocked back. She closed her eyes expecting it to be Rashads but that's the thing, it wasn't. It wasn't Rashads at all.

"But ive decided to help them out. Rival gang favor i guess you could say. Ill help them take you out myself."


She stood up in her chair and turned to the man who held the gun to Rashads head but before she was even fully out of the chair he pulled the trigger. boom.

Boom. She sat up in bed as the thunder and lighting shake the roof of the house, loudest one of the night and it awakes her thank god. She wiped the sweat that glistened across her forehead and took in a deep breath before snuggling back under the silky sheets and soft down comforter. Her eyes fluttered closed as she try her hardest to dream of something less scary...but sadly that attempt failed.

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