TPP : Chapter XIX

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The first thing he noticed when she came downstairs was that she took the necklace off, he frowned mentally at that feeling as if he made her uncomfortable. Which is exactly what he didn't want happening, this was her home just as much as it was his and she didn't need to feel like she couldn't wear or say or do what she wanted. She was already held back, and he felt as if he made it worse, she could smell the food from her bedroom but she didn't pay much mind to it, she wasn't planning on eating like always so she didn't really care what he made or ordered, but what she did care about was the fact that there was a number 5 in his dining room. She mentally rolled her eyes because she knew it was gonna be a long night

"Nina, this is courtne, she brought us dinner. Do you like pizza?"

She didn't say anything, just walked around him and sat in her usually seat staring down at the cheese pizza on her plate. She could feel Courtney eyes on her but it wasn't a nasty look, unlike all the other numbers, her look was more of an understanding, gentle type look as if she understood why she was here and cared. Nina looked up at her with a blank stare as Courtne smiled, she was pretty, she had pretty features and a warm smile but deep down inside she was a hoe like the rest of them, it was a shame at how much beauty these women had yet all that was thrown out the window when they hit a pole, or fucked for money.

"I'm Courtne, but you probably knew that cause he just told you. My daughters name is Nina, ive always loved that name."

Nina mentally smacked her across the face, she was a stripper, a professional hoe, and she was raising a daughter? She felt bad for the child and she didn't even know her, she was probably sleeping at home without her mother, who came over to earn money by taking off her clothes and performing sexual tasks. It was sad and there was a lot she could say, but she wasn't going to sit and degrade this women because she didn't know anything about her.

"How is Nina by the way?"

He pulled the slice up to his mouth and took a bite as she began to talk on about her daughter, while Nina sat and watched the pizza as if there was a TV screen on the cheese. She didn't like pizza, she wasn't a fan of much foods but pizza was one of the worst, she used to love pizza but she lost interest in it after she ran away with Rashad. She felt queasy on the inside like she lost blood and she was gonna pass out, she was tired and all she wanted to do was go to sleep, even though she had been sleeping all day. It was the dreams, they were making her exhausted, no matter how much she slept whenever she had a dream she woke up twice as tired.

Surprisingly there "bedroom adventure" didn't last to long, maybe around an hour which was shocking. Aubrey seemed like one for round-after-rounds of sex, that's what it sounded like with the other numbers anyway.

"Bye Nina, it was nice meeting you."

She put a hand up as if saying goodbye, she didn't really care though. She could have cared less about where and what she was doing but she acknowledged the fact that she was there, only because she was nice. Unlike the other vigilant-of-Aubrey women that came over, they were obsessive and possessive of him as if he was there man personally, mainly because he paid well. She knew for a fact because just a good 45 minutes with him got courtne a large wad of cash, she didn't know how much it was and it made her kind of sick to know that he gave her that much. She kept her eyes glued to the News Channel as he walked back into the room, the small bulge in his pants gave her the indication that he still wasn't fully flaccid, yet at the same time not fully erect. She tried her hardest not to stare and it made it much easier when he sat down, she wasn't a creep or anything. She was just interested.

"Sorry about that, what ya watching?"

She looked at him with a face that said "as if you don't know", he nodded his head before turning his head back to the TV. He hated watching the news and she knew that so she was kind enough to toss him the remote, it landed nicely in his lap. He smiled as he picked it up and began to channel surf, she didn't pay attention though, she just played with one of her loose curls at the ends of her hair, she wasn't one to fix her hair or do her make up but sometimes she got bored. So before dinner she put a few curls into the bottom of her straight hair, she liked it, it was nice looking, more formal then needed but she liked it. Within 10 minutes of Aubrey flipping the channel to whatever show it was he wanted to watch, he was out like a light. He snored lightly causing her to smile to herself, it wasn't loud and unattractive but it wasn't dead silent and awkward, it was cute i guess you could say. She stood up and turned off the TV while debating if she should do him a nice favor or not, she didn't want it to be weird in the morning but she didn't want to leave the guy hangin'.

She grabbed the soft blanket she used earlier and opened it up while shuffling up to him, not lifting her pink socks from the wood floors. She stared at him for a few seconds, watching him sleep, it was stalkerish and she knew that but he looked so peaceful as he slept. Like he had no worries, like he wasn't exhausted internally, like he was happy with his life and for the life of her she couldn't figure out why he didn't look like that when he was awake. What was there not to be happy about? He was a millionaire with tons of groupies, he had sex every night, he had people bring him food with the snap of a finger, he had a huge house and tons of cars. He was the owner of a successful business and he was living right for a 28 year old, so she was a little confused. She lowered her hands as she placed the soft blanket across him, she tucked him under as if he was her son and she was his mother, it felt weird yet it felt right. Weird because he didn't even know about this, but right because it would be rude to just leave him without telling him or covering him up, and she wasn't gonna speak up. With that she turned on her heels and began to walk away

"Goodnight Nina...."

She stopped walking and turned to look back at him, she couldn't see him though. His image was covered by the wall thank god because she smiled, her dimples flashed and her white teeth sparkled for some reason. She felt good, she was proud of herself for doing that, she was a good citizen. She began to walk back to her room but stopped one last time

"Goodnight Aubrey..."

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