TPP : Chapter XV

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"Hi, I'm Ryan."

She moved her focus from the TV and up at the dark haired guy who stood beside her. This was not an errand, Aubrey specifically said "get ready cause i have errands to run" and then they end up at a party, even though he swears up and down its a small get together with some friends. Theirs no way this is a small get together, there's at least 50 people, if not more. Of course there were half naked girls walking around and she was almost positive that one of them would go home and become number 4, but she didn't worry about that. She tried her hardest to focus on the basketball game on TV but it was kind of hard to hear over the loud talking, tonight was a game for Toronto Raptors vs. Los Angeles Clippers, it was down in america and Aubrey didn't have time to go down there so he was hosting a watch party at his friends house. His friend, chad, was kind enough to loan his house as long as they didn't leave to big a mess and whatever was messy was to be cleaned up right after. She put a hand up as a gesture to say hello as he pulled up a chair and sat down next to her, in his hand he held a red solo cup that was filled with some type of alcoholic drink because she could smell the strong miasma on his breath

"Your cute, i see you at work. You don't talk much."

She nodded her head slowly before redirecting her attention to the TV, she didn't know this guy other then the fact that he worked with Aubrey, he was cousins with Aubrey, and his name was Ryan. He was a nice guy, everybody at the office seemed to like him, especially the women of the office. He was a ladies man and he clearly knew that because he was just as cocky as Aubrey was.

"Whats your name?"

She looked at him and narrowed her eyes, he knew her name. Aubrey introduced her to everybody himself and they all knew her name, they all knew why she was to follow Aubrey around for three months, live with him and he was to protect her. He smiled because he knew she caught on, his smile was cute, very boyish and charmy and that was probably what he used to catch the girl he was trying to get

"Yeah okay, so i know your name. But it would be nice to actually hear it from you, it would be nice to hear you speak for once... open up a little."

She bite on the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling, he was nice. A little to nice and usually she would be suspicious but she knew this was how he was all the time, this was how all of Aubrey's friend were, including him. They were all open social butterflies who had no issues with talking to people who they didn't know, mostly because of the fame and money, it made them cocky and say to heck with it because that person probably already knew them

"My name is Nina."

"awwww, you got a cute voice. To match your cute face, and don't get me started on those dimples."

She smiled again and looked down to try and hide it, she really wished she wouldn't have done that though because now he was gonna be even more cocky. He was attractive, there was no doubt about that, he had pretty eyes and a great smile, he had a beard and nicely groomed hair but she tried not to think about that. She wasn't here to be friends with people, she wasn't here to get close to people, she was here strictly to be quote on quote protected for three months. Then after her time, she was leaving and going back to Houston, Texas where her friends, who were more like family, were located.

"So, do you like Aubrey? as a friend i mean...or more? whatever. How do you feel about him?"

She hesitated for a few seconds before shrugging, she knew how she felt about him. She just didn't feel like talking, he tilted his head and pursed his lips together as if saying "Now you know how you feel", and it was true. She smiled down again as he lifted the plastic disposable cup to his pink small lips, but the smile disappeared as he took the cup from his face.

"I'm waiting, Nina."

"Hes nice."

"Thats it? Hes nice?"

No, that's not it. Hes nice but he needs to get his shit together with all these new numbers every night because im tired of them. He eats a lot all the time for no reason and he constantly tries to speak with me when he know's im not gonna reply...but hes really really nice, and his hug was warm and he smells really really good, was what she was thinking but she wouldn't even dream of saying all that to anybody, let alone his cousin. She crossed one leg over the other and put her elbow on her knee before cupping her chin in her hand, her gaze returned back to the basketball game. She didn't even know much about basketball but it was enough to keep her entertained and away from the crowd, they were all outside in the backyard and by the pool while maybe 15 were inside, it was mellow on the inside more of a talking environment while outside was drink your face off, balls to the walls type of a party and Aubrey was outside. Which kind of scared her because they still had a 45 minute drive home.

"You must really like basketball? Especially if its more interesting then me."

There was the cocky side, the side she hated about guys but she didn't say anything. She shrugged and continued to watch the players run around the court, oh how she wished she could be one of them. Not that she played, or even knew how, but anything could be better then this. Anything could be better then sitting here bored out of her mind while dude after dude approach her trying to get her name and number. Ryan was the only one she let stick around because he was Aubrey's cousin and she felt obligated to be nice, the others she didn't even care about because she wouldn't ever see them again and they were all highly intoxicated. Oh, and lets not forget how anything could be better then this because of all the dirty looks she was receiving from covetous women, they saw her walk in with Aubrey and it was as if she told them she was about to steal all there money and take all there men. Not that all of them should care, because only one of them would go home with him tonight.

Only one of them would earn the title as number 4.

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