TPP : Chapter XXVI

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"Your not wearing a suit today."

She stood at the second to last step so she was eye level with him, her small height didn't come in handy when she wanted to be serious and assertive, it was sort of like Rico. Nobody could really take him seriously because he was small and same for her. Aubrey smile at her making his down turned almond shaped eyes go a little chinky, her heart fluttered. His smile was breath taking, especially when it was genuine.

"Your not wearing a suit today either."

She pushed her lips to the side as her eyes narrowed, it was stupid but true. He was dressed nicely in a grey sweater and it looked as if it were hand knitted, it was warm and soft and smelled of his amazing cologne.

The office was mellow today, not many people running around frantically getting ready for H.A.W, she could feel Aubrey's eyes on her as she twirled the little gold heart between her fingers. She was nervous, she had a nervous feelings for practically no reason and placing her focus on the necklace made it a little better. Aubrey wondered all the time where and how she got that but he didn't want to force her into opening up and telling him, that would only make her close up her turtle shell even more. She was working on it and she was trying to open up.

It was hard for him to focus most of the day, she was sitting on the couch opposite of his desk and it was hard to concentrate. She was to pretty for the eyes and all he wanted to do was hold her in his arms and leave soft kisses all over her smooth skin, but instead he was sitting at his computer working. She looked up at him expecting him to look back at her but she came to find out he was already staring, he licked his lips hard causing butterflies to flutter in her tummy. Her cheeks grew hot a little as she cleared her throat

"I like dogs, there my favorite animal.... its your turn now."

He smiled at her attempt to cut the silence, it made him happy. That one little sentence and fact was like a key into her yet it was only a piece, a piece of the key and he was still building together the rest so he could unlock her. He stood up and shuffled over to a chair that sit inanimately in front of his desk, he swiveled it around so it was facing her and sat down, it was a closer view of her which was apparently what was needed because the feeling went away. he didn't know what feeling it was, all he knew was that he felt a million miles apart from her and whatever feeling it was it made his head hurt.

"I like dogs too, my favorite animal is a lion though.... your turn."

She dropped the eye contact and looked back down at the necklace that twirl around her finger tips. She was nervous and he knew that, he picked up the chair and scooted forward so he was even more closer to her. He sat directly in front of her as he awaited her to give him another fact but she didn't speak up, she moved her gaze from her necklace and up to his eyes. His perfect, chocolate brown eyes that she was growing to love oh-so-much.

He licked his lips as he reached for her hand, he didn't know what her reaction would be but he didn't care. At least he can say he tried, surprisingly she allowed it. On the outside she was calm, cool and collected but internally she was screaming, she was tempestuous with fire, she was like a bomb that was about to explode if she didn't feel his lips against hers. She regretted her decision but as soon as she felt his arms wrap around her all that regret went away. She wasnt one to do anything at all let alone make the first move on a man, but she couldn't take it anymore. She had wanted to feel his lips against hers since she pulled away the first time, they were soft and plushy, they were warm and they made her tingle on the inside.

The fireworks exploded in the background once again causing her to smile against his lips, she pulled away as a knock on the door was sounded. He looked pissed but the facial expression was removed once Oliver walked in, he had to stay calm and collected because he was there to be the boss, the big guy, not the soft man who was slowly falling for his parolee.

"Hey man, Hi Nina."

She put a hand up before looking away and out the window, she could feel Aubrey's eyes on her and she knew what he was thinking. He was thinking about how good it felt to have his lips against hers which is just how she felt. She could tell from the look in his eyes as she pulled away, he wanted to continue, the same way she did. He didn't want her to pull away because that feeling of being let go sucked, and Nina unfortunately knew that feeling all to well. Oliver held a manila envelope in his hand with her name written on the front, under it were the letters The Protection Program in bold so she didn't even want to know. Her focus and attention was kept on the cars that passed by in the city streets of Toronto, the sun was high and that's how she knew it was almost time for lunch. Which was good because that meant Oliver wouldn't be able to stay and talk long, Aubrey hated leaving for lunch late, he was a very organized man and to have anything running late, it made his OCD amp up a level.

"im not gonna keep you waiting, i just wanted to give you this."

He handed the manila folder to Aubrey as he adjusted the chair back to where it was supposed to go. He read her name on the front and looked up at him in confusion while sitting down in his desk chair, he set it down on the desk without opening it, just as scared as Nina to find out what was inside

"What is it?"

"Its her files. oh and then i put her ID card in there, its attached to a purple lanyard. I talked to Steve and he met up with the head quarters and they said there fine with it as long as she stays with you at all times and keeps her ID card on her, i thought that situation would be easier for her if she wore it around her neck."

Aubrey smiled, clearly happy at the news. Nina realized it wasnt bad so her attention turned to Oliver, even though she kept her gaze out the large glass windows, she didn't know what they were talking about and she didn't know why she would need an ID card, she already had to be by Aubrey's side 24/7 so that was no difference, but why did Oliver have to talk to the people at TPP head quarters office? It all made no sense.

"So its official?"

"yes, its official."

She turned her head in his direction, not making eye contact but still acknowledging that fact that he was there.

"Wait whats official?"

He looked over at Aubrey in confusion, she was guessing it was because Aubrey was supposed to tell her something that he never told her. He looked back over to her and smiled kindly

"We talked to Steve, he says its okay for you to leave the country. Next Sunday we leave for H.A.W, which is Houston Appreciation Week, its a huge event that the whole city joins in on and the OVO corporation is in charge of it."

She raised an eyebrow in confusion as to where this was going and why it was important for her to know, her heart pounded as she prayed to god what she wanted to hear was what he was going to say. And when he said it her whole world got rocked off of its axis, her butterflies stopped completely as she felt like she was going to pass out. Who knew such simple words would make her feel that way

"Its official Nina, you get to go with us to Houston, Texas. Your home-town."

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