TPP : Chapter LIV

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"Wake up. Get up, pack your things."

She sat up and rubbed her forehead, her head was throbbing with a headache and she felt like she was gonna puke. She took in a deep breath and for the first time finally opened her eyes, in front of her stood a pissed looking Oliver which was completely expected. She swallowed down the lump that continued to grow larger by the second, she was afraid she would suffocate on it eventually but that sounded stupid knowing there was nothing there.

"Oliver, I-"

"I don't want to hear it. I'm done with you, I give you a little leisure and you go way to far. I'm done."

She stood up as he walked off into the small sized kitchen area. Tea was boiling and the only reason she knew it was tea was because he had it every morning. Some people were coffee people and some were tea, in this case. Oliver is tea. He's the tea guy.

Tears began to well in her eyes so she had to struggle with keeping them from falling, at the moment all she needed was a good hug from Aubrey but that shouldn't even be a thought.

"Oliver please, I-"

"I don't care, Nina. You l-"


She surprised herself more then she surprised Oliver when it came to her yelling. She took a step back and swallowed down at the mass in her throat, Oliver pinched the bridge of his nose and squinted his eyes shut tight before taking in a deep breath.

"Watch your tone and you should have known."

Her sadness was slowly being replaced with rage and anger, he was sending her back because he made a mistake. Of course she knew she wasn't supposed to leave but technically this was at his fault.

"Pack your things, we're heading back to Toronto but on the way we will be stopping at New York."

New York was where the TPP headquarters were located so Nina already knew why they were stopping there. Most of her worry about that was put aside though because Aubrey wasn't gonna let that happen, he promised.

He promised.

"No, your not dropping me off. We can work this out."

"Yes, we're taking you back. I'm not dealing with you anymore."


He choked on the hot liquid that he sipped nonchalantly. He set down his mug and laughed out as if she was telling a joke, that only pissed her off more.

She was being 100% honest and he thought this was all a joke. She didn't know what came about, she didn't know what was happening to her but lately she had grown a huge pair of balls. The nearest glass object to her was no longer a form of beauty, but more shattered in pieces on the floor.


She always thought the whole "white people turn red when there mad" was a superstition but seeing Oliver now made her believe it was true. It was actually a little scary but because of those balls she grew she didn't care one bit. Surprisingly it made her feel a little better.

"Give me back to Aubrey."

"Hell no! Your going back to boot camp where you belong!"

A nicely crafted flower vase sit simply on the coffee table, inside were a nice set of flowers. Before he knew it, the base and flowers were not only being shattered, but thrown at him.

He ducked down quickly, covering his head from the falling pieces of glass. He quickly stood up and looked at her in complete shock. She had just intentionally tried to hurt him and she looked at him like nothing was wrong. She had a blank stare on her face as if what just happened, didn't even happen.

"Take me back to Aubrey."

"Oh fuck no."


He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and slowly began to put his hands up, scared that she would throw another object.

Running wasn't something Nina was fond of but when she had to, felt like she had to, or once in every green moon when she wanted to, she was fast. Very fast. Oliver didn't see much but she was out the door before he even knew it.

She began to bang on the door across the hall, aka Aubrey's room. It felt like forever for him to come answer the door but when he did her heart melted. He stood there looking half asleep in nothing but grey sweat pants, his body was amazing but she couldn't waste time by staring.

She pushed past him and ran into the living room area, her hands were shaking because reality had just set in. If Oliver hadn't ducked she could have killed him, she felt awful but going back and apologizing was not an option.

"Nina.. What's wrong baby? Why are you crying?"

She hadn't realized she was crying until Aubrey even said anything about it. Tears weren't sad though, they were more the tears that people got when they get overly pissed off.

"He's making me go back, Aubrey I can't go back. I can't."

She wrapped her arms around him similar to last night and lay her head on his firm chest.

"What's hap-"

Before he could finish there was a clearing of the throat coming from the doorway. The light flicked on as two huge men walked in behind Oliver

"What are you waiting for.. Grab her."

Nina backed away as the men proceeded to move towards her, she knew them. They were two out of many of Aubrey's security guards. She turned around but realized there was no where to run and a wall blocked everything, before she could do anything she felt a pair of arms wrap around her torso and lift her up.

Hyperventilation began up on cue as she began to squirm and wiggle in his grip. She didn't know which one was holding her up and she didn't care


Before she could protest anymore she was out of Aubrey's room and into Oliver's messy one. She could no longer do anything but she knew she wouldn't go down without a fight, she sat there thinking. Plotting.

She sat there in a daze, wondering how she was gonna run away.

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