TPP : Chapter XXI

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Sadness and sorrow passed and she felt like she could do anything, her heart fluttered with every step, her stomach roared with butterflies. She felt like she couldn't help but smile and for once she was okay with it, she felt some type of weight lifted from her shoulders and all he said was hello, can you imagine when she sees him in person. She took a deep breath before setting down her hair brush and turning on her heels, it was dinner time and Aubrey called her down, awaiting for her was him and number 6ix, shocker. At least this one was fully dressed, she wasn't very cute though and she had a resting mean mug as soon as Nina walked downstairs but that didn't end her happy mood, she shuffled over and did the unexpected. She hugged him.

His eyes widened in shock as she rest her head against his chest and wrap her soft arms around his torso, his heart skipped a few beats but of course he hugged back. He embraced this moment because he was pretty positive that he wouldn't get that again, it was probably a fluke and she was going to regret it later. The hug lasted longer then he expected as number 6ix grew jealous and impatient but he didn't care, strippers came and went everyday, but a hug from Nina, a true genuine hug that she started. That was rare and he was positive it would stay that way.

"I just wanted to say thank you for taking care of me. Your a true friend, thank you."

His eyes widened again as his brows furrowed, so not only did he get a hug but she called him a friend. He could get used to this, he liked it alot, he liked her a lot but he wouldn't ever express that. He could get used to her hugs, he could get used to her sweet talk but he wouldn't because he knew it was only temporary. He smiled down at her as she smile up at him, not just with her mouth but her eyes too, for once she didn't have despondency and dolor in her eyes and she wasn't blocking her feelings, it took the life of him and god himself to not kiss her. He knew it would be wrong and she was happy so doing something like that was not going to work out. Not now, and probably not ever. She took her arms from around him and shuffled up to the stripper, or number 6ix according to Nina

"hi, I'm Nina. I don't usually speak to Aubrey's friends but i thought it would be a nice change."

She put her hand out, awaiting for the stripper to shake it. But she didn't, she stared at Nina in disgust as if she were a stray garbage cat begging for food, Nina awkwardly pulled her hand away and turned on her heels smiling big at Aubrey once again before walking to her normal spot. Aubrey sat down, not taking his eyes off of her, she was beautiful when she was happy, she was beautiful when she wasn't but now. In her natural happiness it was something he would mentally take photos of and cherish for a long time. She stared down at her food, he didn't expect her to eat, she didn't eat no matter what mood she was in, he was lucky if he could get her to eat a bag of chips for lunch so he didn't expect her to eat a meal.

"Well, Nina this is Sasha. Sasha, Nina was trying to introduce herself to you but you were being rude."

Number 6ix rolled her eyes upward, Nina actually felt bad for once. It was probably just her "happy high" speaking because other wise she wouldn't give a shit. Number 6ix came over here for a reason and Nina felt like she was intruding even though this was her home, for now anyway. She looked up from the plate of food and looked over at Aubrey as she bat her eyelashes and smile preciously, that face made his heart do back flips and it killed him not to scoop her up in his arms at that moment and she knew it, there hearts were both held on there sleeves and number 6ix was ruining it for them both.

"So Nina, what makes you so happy tonight?"

"Nothing in particular, im just happy to be here... With you."

She smiled small, flashing her dimples but that only made him smile hard. His smiling line creases shown and his down turned eyes growing chinky and he didn't care, he wasn't one to smile big like that but now he could care less. She made him feel like he was on top of the world right now and nobody could take that away from him, except number 6ix who at this point was so jealous she couldn't take it anymore

"Okay, well i came here for a reason so. Come on baby, you can eat later."

She was tall, she had long legs and she was beautiful yet oh-so-plastic, not much real to her but her height, or so thought. She strutted hard as she grabbed Aubrey's hand and pulled him away from the table behind her, Aubrey had half a mind to pull away and kick her out so he could enjoy the happiness of Nina because he knew it wouldn't last long. He turned to look at her and he could tell sadness set back into her eyes, the "happy high" was wearing off with every step he took and there wasn't much he could do about it because he was the one that invited stripper/number 6ix over. She smiled small, not showing her pretty teeth this time but her deep dimples still popping, she waved a hand saying goodbye and he did the same. The whole way to the bedroom he kept his eyes on her because when he couldn't look at her anymore he would be looking at another women and that low key broke not only his heart but hers as well, but come tomorrow that feeling would no longer be mutual and her happy high would be gone, just like all her feelings towards him.

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