TPP : Chapter XLIV

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"My room isn't big like Aubreys so you can have the bed in my room, or the couch, whatever you would like."

She threw her bags down and shuffled to the couch, she had a nasty look plastered to her face and her arms were folded across her chest. She sat down on the couch, it was quiet and uncomfortable in the room, she didn't like it here at all. Specifically because she was away from Aubrey.

"Look I know your upset but it's for the best. I'll be in my room, your free to do whatever just don't leave the room."

He smiled kindly before walking away, she wanted to choke him out right there but a part of her wanted to let him go and sneak over to Aubreys. She wouldn't dare though, she knew if she did and they got caught she would get sent back to TPP. The room was dead silent now, it was still light outside but the sun was going down, she wanted to step outside onto the balcony but it was to risky, she was not risking her life for fresh air.

It was hard being away from him because all she could think about was him. She had been gone all day and now that she was back... They were separated once again. She lay down on the couch, there wasn't much to do because the only thing she tolerated on TV was Chef Stan and that wasn't on. Plus sleep would make the sad times without Aubrey go by faster. She shut her eyes, smiling mentally as she think about today, it was the only thing she was truly happy about other then seeing Aubrey and for the first time since leaving him she was no longer thinking about him


(Previously that day)

She watch the game intently, she was getting bored but Aubrey made it interesting. She heard her name being called but she didn't think about it much, Aubreys fans have been calling her all day. Trying to get her attention, trying to get to speak to her. She ignored it until it got closer and closer to the point where she couldn't ignore it anymore, it got close to the point that it was right behind her but she was to scared to look. She felt a hand on her shoulder so she stood up quickly, so quick to the point that she almost fell down, she turned around balling her fists ready to fight whoever but when she saw him she went from fight mood to cry mood. She didn't know what to do, she didn't know what to say or how to react so she just stood there in shock.

"Hey Baby girl."

A mile wide smile spread across her face, she squealed out in happiness as she engulfed him in a hug. She didn't expect to see him at all because the last time she did he told her he wasn't going to see her anymore.

"Rico ... Rico it's really you!"

Tears welled in her eyes out of happiness, this was the first time she was seeing him in 6, almost 7 years and he hadn't changed one bit. He still had short wavy hair, tattoos and he was still short. He looked fly and handsome just how she remembered and it brought her mad nostalgia

"Yeah it's me. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too."

She pulled away as the twins stood up, they looked jealous that not only was she talking to him but she hugged him. They had crushes on her, they flirted with her all day and she hadn't said one word. Rico looked at them and smiled kindly as they kept up with there nasty looks

"Hi, are you guys busy? Or can I take her for a while."

"I can go... I'm not with them."

They looked at her in shock, Aubrey had just told them they were to not let her out of there sights but if she wanted to go then they didn't see why she couldn't. She was an adult but what they didn't understand that it was Aubreys job basically to watch her and if he couldn't he had to make sure she was under complete watch.

They waved her off, not even caring at this point because if she didn't care about them why would they care about her? She didn't know where Rico was taking her but she had a rushing feeling of euphoria as they rode down the ghetto streets of Houston. She drove past old buildings and houses that she did remember, it reminded her of Rashad and that made her sad but she had to live in the moment. She was with her brother now and that's all that mattered.

She pulled up to the brown house and felt her stomach drop, it was old, and busted but it looked the exact same. Nothing had changed, the old red pick up truck still sat in the drive way with bullet holes in the side, the big oak tree with the swing attached was still in the front yard. There were still boards covering up the basement windows and the grass was still the greenest on the block. She took off her shoes before getting out of the car just specifically for the grass, nobody in this area had good grass, they barely had grass at all so for Rico to have amazing, green, healthy grass. It was like a treasure.

She took in a deep breath and smiled big as she wiggled her toes in the soft grass. She didn't even notice nearly the whole gang sitting on the porch until she heard a clearing of the throat. She looked up and her world only grew ten times more brighter, she put a hand over her mouth as her eyes grew watery.

"You gonna stand there or come hug us?"

She felt an arm wrap around her shoulders as she let a few tears fall for once. Right in front of her eyes was the whole gang, her best and only friends. Her brothers and sisters, her family. She smile big as they all stand up and begin to approach her and Rico

"Welcome home Baby Girl."

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