TPP : Chapter XLVII

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"I just don't know what to do anymore Steve. I don't want Nina to be sent back to TPP but I don't want Aubrey getting into more trouble. He signed up for this so he could clean his slate and now he's making it worse. He cannot be with Nina because it's against the rules, he's breaking the rules and that's not what this is about."

He sighed out and ran a hand over his shiny bald head. He sat on the toilet seat in frustration, he didn't know what to do. He separated them and they try there hardest to get back together, no matter how many times he threatens them both.

He didn't hate Nina, so he wouldn't want to send her back to a place of pain and misery, but Aubrey was family to him. Nina was hurting him in a way he couldn't explain to anybody, she was damaging his career, she was making him focus on unimportant things, she was making him bend the rules just to please and make her happy. Nina was a good person and he knew that, but she wasn't a good person for Aubrey.

"I'm switching out the paperwork now. If keeping her with you doesn't work give her red flags."

"Red flags?"

"It's what they do in boot camp, she has three red flags, she gets one every time she is warned or does something you don't approve of, if she gets three flags that's a punishment, after three flags every time she receives one that is a larger punishment."

He thought about it, he didn't want to punish Nina. She couldn't trust anybody as it was so to punish her, it didn't seem right. He didn't know what to think, this was for the best and he knew that. But he didn't know how he was supposed to do this. He knew for a fact he would be a better mentor then Aubrey, everyone would know that, he was more responsible, more caring, he wouldn't fall in love with her and ruin everything. He could protect Nina and care for her the right way, but she would still be with the crew so it would make Aubrey still look good. The public didn't need to know that she wasn't directly in the care of Aubrey, as long as they knew she was with them.


"They don't have to be cruel. Just something to show that you don't mess around and you are in charge. I know Nina, she's hard headed and stubborn, she will not listen if you aren't tough enough."

"So what do you think I should do?"

He heard the other end of the line go silent, typing of computer keys was faint but no speaking. He liked that a little, the silence gave him time to think

"Do the three flags, tell her after the third flag that your sending her back to TPP. I promise you... It will work."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

The line went silent again, nothing but typing. The music blasted loud but it was muted by the bathroom doors and walls, he stood up and stretched.

"Alright, We'll talk later. What do I do now, there out there dancing, nearly kissing. There hugged up and I don't know what to do."

"Let it go I guess, let them have there fun because starting tonight they won't be allowed by each other. Or just take her home now."

He rubbed his head before ending the call, he didn't feel bad but he felt like he should. Nina had nobody, she trusted Aubrey for some reason and that was it. Other then those people she called her friends, she had nobody. But that wasn't the point, she was there to be protected, to be built up with good structure, not to make friends.

He left the bathroom and shuffled his way out, he didn't want to go out there and see them all cuddled up because that would make the guilt set in. He hadn't seen Aubrey this happy with a girl since... That's not the point, he hadn't seen Aubrey this happy in a long long time. Everybody knew he didn't believe in love but you took one look at him and Nina and you could tell he loved her. It was written on his face that he loved her and he knew it, he just was to afraid to admit it. A part of him didn't want to care, he didn't want to take her away because Aubrey was so happy, but he had too because it's for the best.

He had to help Aubrey, and if taking Nina is what it took.

By God he would do it.

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