TPP : Chapter XVI

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She sat on the couch Indian style as she watch the now turned News Channel on TV, every few seconds glimpsing around her to make sure she was safe. She had half a mind to leave but she didn't know where she was and she didn't know where she would go with no money, Aubrey abandon her last night which is exactly what he wasn't supposed to do. He got drunk and hooked up with a number 4, he completely forgot about Nina and now she was sitting on the couch before a bunch of sleeping bodies scattered all on the floor, some outside, some inside, some on tables and stairs. Some went home but a majority of them were to drunk to move a muscle let alone drive, she didn't know where Aubrey was or if he was even still here.

It was 10:30 am and it was usually the time Aubrey woke up, unless he was woken up earlier, this was his normal time for his eyes to open naturally. She looked down at one out of the many bodies that began to move, first it was a leg twitch, then they started to wiggle and groan out, then they just sat up completely. She didn't know who it was and she didn't care at all to be honest, she just wanted to go home and go to her room, she just prayed to god she was able to control her anger because she was pretty positive just seeing Aubrey would piss her off. She sat up a little more as the person stood up and put a hand to there head, it was a man. He was tall, dark skinned and he looked a little built, he had long dreads that were pulled back into a ponytail and tank was his name. Or so she thought, everyone who talked to her she didn't pay mind to, there voice went in one ear and out the other, it all meant nothing to her because the whole time her mindset goal was to get the heck out of there.

"Hey, your Nina. Aubrey has to take care of you, can you help me?"

She stared at him with a blank face, she didn't know this guy and she didn't want to and she thought that was made clear when she turned him down last night. He was one out of the many many men that tried to get her number last night and each one she turned them down politely, only because they were Aubrey's friends. There was some noise from behind her so she quickly turned her head in that direction but when she saw Aubrey shuffling in she rolled her eyes and turned to focus back on the TV, she folded her arms across her chest and kept her gaze straight ahead because she felt like if she looked at him she would start to yell.

"So, are you gonna help me?"

"no. go away."

She didn't mean to be rude, she was just upset. Not at him, but at Aubrey, he left her all night just sitting up on the couch watching television while he was supposed to be by her side 24/7. The point of this program was so he could watch her and keep her out of trouble, and not to mention why he wanted to be in the program, how was he supposed to be a good influence on not only his parolee but his peers on the outside as well. He saw her and his heart just about dropped down on to the floor, he had completely forgot about her and he felt awful about it, he knew he fucked up and he knew he was gonna hear a lot about it from Oliver tomorrow at work. Oliver was at the party, he gave Aubrey pointers and tips on how he should stop drinking but he just waved him off like nothing and continued, he fucked up once again and he knew that. Everybody knew that.


He stood behind her waiting for her response even though he knew for a fact that she wouldn't answer, his heart pounded a little in his chest because he didn't really know what to do or say. He was nervous and usually he wouldn't care but he did now because it was his job to watch her, protect her, show her affection and bring her out of her tight little shell but instead he probably pushed her in more. She probably lost all trust and feeling towards him, if she had any in the first place, she probably hated him, she probably would never want to speak to him again but what he was wrong about was that all those probably's were true.

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