TPP : Chapter XXXIV

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Saturday. She hated Saturdays, she always had and now that it was the day before they left, she hated them even more. It was currently 1 in the afternoon, she hadn't left her room but she had been up since 6 am, she couldn't sleep. She had nightmares about the things that could happen, she lay there in her bed awake far past the time that the sun came up. Aubrey had came and stood in front of the door a few times, debating on whether to wake her or not, or at least she thought it was Aubrey, shed hoped it was Aubrey. She wanted him to knock, and wake her from her so-called "sleep".

She stare at the door, knees pulled to her chest while sitting with her back against the headboard. She was scared to leave her room, of course it wasnt like Mad Dawg himself was out there but she didn't want to talk about it, she knew Aubrey would probably talk about it because he was very excited. His slate was slowly coming clean with the public and this would only make things 10 times better. The public knew all about Nina, they all knew what they thought was her story but it was falsely incorrect, they thought they held information about her that would get all of Aubrey's number friends to chill out. They all talked about Nina, they all had insecurities and resentment towards Nina, they were jealous and the only way to make it not seem so was to try and take Aubrey's mind off of her. 

She stare in the mirror at her necklace, her legs felt like jello from standing up and nearly running to the bathroom. She stare at the gold heart that sit simply on her chest, it made her feel a little better, it made her not only think of Rashad but about Rico, that was something she wanted so bad and now she would have the chance. Oliver and Aubrey said nearly the whole city attends so Rico could be one of those people, even if he wasnt maybe if Aubrey had a not so busy day he could drive her past the neighborhood. 

She decided to grow balls, per se. She left the room, no longer feeling the warm carpet, but the cold hard floor. Smells of breakfast still lingered and the TV played quietly, Aubrey's eyes brightened like the rising sun when he saw her. Thoughts were put aside when she saw him to because he was now all she thought about, all she wanted to do was sit in his lap and cuddle with him but she had to take her time, take it easy because maybe he wouldn't want that.

She sat down on the couch as he so kindly turned on one of her recorded shoes of Chef Stan, He didn't pay attention though, his gaze was more on her like always. It was hard for her to focus on the show because no matter what her thoughts traveled at light speed, they came and went quickly to the point she didn't have time to think of an answer or solution to the thought. 

"You must have been exhausted or something, you slept through half of the day."

She cleared her throat softly, she didn't feel like speaking so she just smiled and nodded her head. Her throat was dry like the Sahara Desert and she felt talking would only make the burning feeling worse.

"I missed you at breakfast, come gimme a hug."

She looked over at him, blushing lightly. She wanted to touch him, hug him, take in his perfect scent but she was worried he wouldn't want that, to know that he did want that made her feel better. She stood up, feeling the cold floor against the bottom of her foot once again. She got the usual expected butterflies in her tummy as she approached him, he didn't move nor sit up so she took that as he wanted her to straddle him. That was expected as well.

She sat down on him, feeling her bottom fit perfectly in his lap, she pressed her body against his as his arms pulled her in. He smelled good. Expected. He felt warm. Expected. He made her feel much better. Not Expected. Her stress went from a 10 to non existent with just the feel of his arms around her, she felt safe and warm which is what she needed because before that she felt cold, empty, exposed. She felt far from safe because tomorrow she would be in territory of people who wanted to take her life.

"I missed you."

He smiled at the sound of her voice, he didn't expect her to speak let alone say she missed him. He placed his hands on her hips where little skin was exposed, her skin was soft and warm and he loved to touch it, he just wished he had more to touch. The little sliver of it was never enough, he wished he could rip off her clothes and just touch. Nothing but touching, feeling, her skin felt good against his and that was all he fantasized about. He removed his right hand from her hip and cupped her cheek, she leaned into it lightly as her eyelids fluttered closed, she loved his touch just as much as he loved touching. She rubbed his chest lightly through his shirt, feeling on his perfectly chiseled muscles.He leaned forward as she leaned down, there lips touched lightly feeling each others breath, no one kissed first. They sat there breathing, foreheads and noses pressed against each other. He smiled before closing his eyes and kissing her, she did the same. 

She moved her mouth against his, kissing him with passion , feeling nothing but love now. All her stress went away, all her worry and nervousness went away because now this was all that mattered, the fact that she was with the man that made her feel safe, loved, warm and everything in between. She felt a vibration come from under her and it made her giggle, it tickled her and made her pull away from the kiss. He chuckled and placed a kiss to her nose before pulling his phone from his pocket, he slid the screen to the right unlocking it and answering the call

"Hello? ... who is this... how did you get this number.... yes, but who is calling.... okay?"

He pulled the phone from his ear and looked at Nina in confusion before handing her the phone, she wasnt stupid, she knew that the person on the other end wanted to speak to her, but she didn't want to speak to them. She hesitated before grabbing the phone and pulling it up to her ear, she didn't know who it was and she was nervous to find out but when the person on the other end spoke, her world came to a complete stop

"I've been waiting for you Nina....."

She knew who it was, her heart pounded in her chest as she began to hyperventilate. She pulled the phone away from her ear and gave it back to Aubrey before hopping off and running from the living room and down the hall. 


Aubrey stood up and watched her as she ran down the hall and up the stairs, her skin was pale and she looked scared to death, he put the phone to his ear, a little pissed that whatever the person had to say made her so upset

"Who the hell is this?"

"Shes not safe, you bring her here and shes dead."

The line went blank leaving Aubrey puzzled, he didn't know who that was or what he was even talking about.

Tears streamed from her eyes as she shake like a leaf in the wind, she screamed out as she punched a hole in the wall. It didn't hurt because he adrenaline was rushing like a river but she knew it would hurt later, she watched as the blood ran from her knuckles. She thought about before she went to jail, seeing the blood made her think about cutting herself, it made her think about ending her life herself so she wouldn't have to be murdered. It all made sense to her to do it that way because being murdered didn't sound to appealing, she screamed out again as she ripped the covers from her bed, she fell to her knees as she cried out.

She cried out in pain, in nervousness because she was scared for her life. She was scared to death because it was Mad Dawg on the other end of the call. 

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