TPP : Chapter VIII

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Another day, another dollar. Thats what some say, but for Aubrey its more like Another day, Another stripper. And from the looks of this one, she wasn't to happy that Nina was there. She probably thought she was another one of Aubrey's play toys but what she failed to realize was that she wasn't at all, she was completely off so the dirty looks and rude scuffs were over the top and had no reasoning. Of course Nina didn't tell her that though

"Nina, how did you sleep?"

She looked up from her plate of breakfast food over at him for a slight second before returning her gaze back down to her plate. She didn't want to say anything about last night because she didn't want to have him ask why she didn't sleep well, that would end up in conversation about her dream. Her stomach hurt just to think about it so she stopped, she swallowed down the saliva that began to produce in her mouth and fiddled around with the napkin in her lap. Aubrey was big on manners, napkin tucked in your shirt or folded on your lap, no elbows on the table, it was like she was being raised up from a childhood all over again and it sucked.

"May i be excused?"

He narrowed his eyes as he chewed, he studied her as she stare down at the cold food on her plate. The stripper, whatever her name was Nina decided to call her number 2, probably thought her cooking was gross just like the other stripper, number 1, and that's why Nina wasn't eating. But she deserved to feel as if her cooking was bad, she deserved it the same way that Nina apparently deserved dirty looks and scuffs, not to mention the hideous eye rolls. He waved her off politely and she quickly got up to leave, she felt like she couldn't get out of there quick enough, she felt like she was drowning with fresh air 2 inches away from her nose.


She stopped, waiting for him to say whatever it was he wanted to say, do whatever it was he wanted her to do. She waited for a good ten seconds before she heard the clink of the silverware being set down and a clearing off the throat

"Same like yesterday, be ready for work in 45 minutes."

She waited, she stood there. Staring straight ahead at the insentient front door, she held her breath feeling as if the slightest move would make shit go off.

"you can go..."

She sped walked to her room, number 2 was burning a hole into the back of her head and she could feel it while Aubrey was nonchalantly eating his food. It was all something she knew to well and it was only day 2 of living with him, she caught on fast though. She was a learner. She stared at the necklace that lay gently on her dresser, debating on what to do with it. She knew for a fact that if she wore it Aubrey would ask about it and she refused, absolutely refused, to talk about it. She didn't care about the consequences, she refused. It was to tough of a subject, she would much rather talk about why she was in prison rather then have to talk about where she got the necklace and why it was so important to her.

She shuffled to the closet trying to put all thoughts aside other then having to get ready for work but that was a fail, the whole time she was getting ready that's all she thought about. She sat on the cold toilet seat with one leg crossed over the other as she rewrite everything on her arm, feeling a little sad as she wrote it all down. Writing it down made her think about it, thinking about it made her reminisce on all the good memories from before the world got tilted off its axis and shit went down. She snapped out of it at the sound of her name being yelled downstairs, she wasn't even half way finished with writing everything down, she swore under her breath before standing up and sliding the marker into her pocket. She ran out of the room completely forgetting about the necklace which was most likely a blessing in disguise. Aubrey was persistent and she knew for a fact he wouldn't give up till he got what he wanted.


She nodded her head yes but on the inside she was screaming No.

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