TPP : Chapter XXXIX

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Aubrey wasn't messing around when he said the crowd would be ridiculous and that the whole city participates. She could hear the screams from way backstage and it was extremely loud, she heard more screams then music and the speakers they used blasted.

Nina wasn't allowed in Aubrey's dressing room, Thanks Oliver, she thought to herself as she sit in piquancy. She was being guarded and watched by guards for the time being that Aubrey was in his dressing room and on stage performing. She had no issues with Chubbs and the other guard, she just didn't feel safe how she should, she felt safe with Aubrey, she didn't feel safe with security guards. It seemed backwards and that gave her an attitude problem.

"So Nina, you disappeared last night, what happened?"

She didn't say anything, just sat on the black couches with a blank stare. She didn't have anything to say to anybody and it would stay like that the whole night, until she got to the hotel with Aubrey. The crowd screamed out as Future walked off, mostly because they knew Aubrey would come out next. He wasn't making music because he focused more on business but performing for a crowd every now and then was always a fun time. He still had tons of fans who loved and looked up to him and that meant the world to him.

He walked from his dressing room in all black, his tank top showing his amazingly toned arms. He smiled at Nina as he approached and outstretched his arms

"Good luck hug."

She stood up to hug him but was stopped by Oliver clearing his throat, in her mind she shot a bullet up his ass but in reality she just sat back down. She felt like a dog obeying her masters orders when it was far from that, Oliver wasn't anything to her so she didn't have to listen, but she did for the sake of Aubrey. She could tell he was pissed but his screaming, anticipating fans made him feel better

"Well, I'll see you after the show."

She smiled a feigned smile, he knew it wasn't real but he could not let that take away the fact that he was about to kill the show.

Nina snapped from her attitude trance once she heard his voice on the speakers, it was smooth and warm into her ears as if he was right there with her. She stood up and walked past the guards to the edge of the backstage area

"Nina, Hun you gotta come sit back down."

"Let her be, let's go get a beer. She's fine."

For once in her life she thanked the guards, it was just her now. She was alone finally and nothing mattered but Aubrey, she watched him as he touched the fans hands, interacted like they were long time friends. She watched what felt like for hours when in reality he hadn't gotten through one song yet.

"Hello Nina."

Her eyes were closed as she listened to Aubreys melodic voice but they shot right open after that. Her throat grew tight, her stomach twisted and she felt like she was gonna die. She swallowed hard as she turned on her heels

"Backstage pass."

He held the pass up, the rest of them did to. She screamed out as one of them grabbed her, she kicked and screamed but nobody could hear over Aubreys music and the adrenaline rushed crowd. His grip around her tightened as she wiggled around, tears struggling to stay in. This was it. This was where her life ended, at the concert of the man she was falling for.

They threw her inside one of the empty dressings rooms and locked the door behind them. She stood up and ran to the nearest corner, she was shaking like a leaf but tried her hardest to stay strong, it was hard and felt impossible. She thought about Rashad and how brave she was with him, she pretended he was with her. She tried to be brave but god it was hard.

"I have waited 7, almost 8, long years for this Nina. I don't think you realize how much this means to me."

"Fuck you!"

"Oh... Someone's angry."

They laughed, that made her even more upset. They laughed at her like she was a circus clown being circled by an audience. She was cornered by huge men with huge guns and she didn't know what to do. She heard the gun cock and heard his footsteps come closer to her, she felt the cold metal against her forehead as she shook like she was epileptic.


She flinched, nearly jumped from her shoes. They laughed louder as a tear fell from her eye, she wiped it quickly away from her cheek as her breathing grew heavy, her heart pounded.

"Nina. Nina. Nina... You seriously thought I was gonna let you go that easy? Kill you so swiftly? I have waited years for you Nina. Or should I say Babygirl? I know your boyfriend called you that.... He called you that right before I shot him."

Her breathing grew heavy, her fists balled up. She balled up the saliva in her mouth and spit at him, a lugey landed right between his eyes causing one of his men to chuckle.

"Shut up."

The man silenced, she stare at him now in the eyes. Her sadness washed away and turned to anger at the sound of Rashad, at the sound of what he did to Rashad, at the sound of her nickname.

"So you wanna be bad now? You wanna grow balls now? Too late now bitch."

He bitch slapped her hard, she could feel a welt coming as her face grew hot.

"John J. Grab her. It's time to go."

One of the men, John J., stepped up to grab her, She saw an opening and she took it. She was extremely small compared to him so she pretty much ducked and ran between his legs. She began to run for the door but a man stood before her. She balled her fist tighter and punched him "where the sun doesn't shine". He keeled over, holding his crotch and moaning out in pain


She ran fast, jumping over furniture and dodging the men that went to grab her. She was fast and she finally reached the door, she swung it open and ran out. People were out there now, it was almost Aubreys water and bathroom break. She could grab him and hide and be protected, but they had guns. She had to get out of there, she has to leave but she didn't know where to go except the hotel. She continued to run, she ran right past Aubrey but neither of them realized it was each other, all she knew was that she had to get the hell out of there now.

Or else she was going to die.

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