TPP : Chapter XXII

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Soaked was a good word choice. Hair sopping wet, drenched jacket and other articles of clothing. Who knew the distance between the car and into the house was so far, it seemed as if steps were like miles because the both of them stand there flooding the floor. Aubrey unfolded a towel and wrapped her in it before letting go and doing the same for him, he smiled kindly as she dry off like she just went swimming. This was not good, rain was bad, but thunderstorm was even worse. Superstitions were gonna be the death of her because at the moment her anxiety was through the roof, she tried her hardest to not show it and she wasn't to sure that it was working because Aubrey would always look at her in concern and ask if she was okay. Breakfast that morning was a bit awkward, after last night her happy high went away and she was back to normal i guess you could say, Aubrey was happy to see her and hug her but the feeling wasn't mutual and she felt kind of bad for him. The thunder roared and clashed as the lightning illuminated the sky, it was fun to watch yet oh-so-scary, she prayed to god under her breath that nothing bad happened tonight because she had a feeling, a bad feeling that something awful was going to happen and she really wished she knew what.

There was a cracking sound as the lights began to flicker, a large boom and then the lights went out. She couldn't see anything because the only light she had was from the lightning that came every so often, it was pitch black in her room and usually she wouldn't mind that but at the moment she was a little bit terrified. She heard Aubrey calling her name from downstairs but that was pushed to the back of her mind, she stood up placing her hands out in front of her as she slowly begin to shuffle around. She felt lost, like this hadn't been her bedroom for two weeks and she didn't know where anything was, she shuffled without picking up her feet as if she were an elderly women without a cane. It was a sight to see, even though you couldn't. There was the sound of glass shattering as she curse under her breath, whatever she ran into it made her fall and whatever it was it was clearly made of glass. She could feel her arm getting wet so she assumed it was the flower pot or something like that, she heard footsteps running up the stairs and the door opening

"Nina? Are you okay? I heard glass breaking."

She nodded her head but mentally smacked herself, he couldn't see her shaking her head yes so he probably thought she was passed out or something

"yes, im okay. My arm burns, i think i cut myself."

He walked over to her from the sound of her voice and reached down, he felt her hair first. It was still wet from the rain, his hand lowered to her shoulder and down her arm, she had on a t-shirt and the feel of her smooth skin made his bones chill. She latched on to his arm as she stood to her feet and moved her hand down until she felt his, as much as she didn't want to she intertwined there fingers together and held his hand tightly, scooting in a little closer to him. She felt safe now, which is how she was supposed to feel, she felt protected hence the name The Protection Program. He smiled in the dark as he felt her small soft hand wrapped in his, she was vulnerable at this moment and he knew that so he tried his hardest not to get to excited. They began to walk, he took one step and so did she, they were connected i guess you could say. He turned, she turned. He moved, she moved. She mimicked his movement for the simple fact that she couldn't see anything and she wasn't wanting to get hurt again.

Warm liquid poured from her arm that she now realized was blood, it made her queasy and nauseous so she held her breath the whole way downstairs. At the last step she began to see stars as her vertigo grew more serious

"Aubrey...Aubrey i.. i don't feel good."

She latched onto his arm and soon felt herself being lifted up, she lay her head on his chest as he carry her bridal style to the living room. It was much brighter downstairs, all of the open windows and the large sky light placed in the center of the room, she could actually see what was happening when her eyes were open. He smelled good, his cologne was faint so it wasn't an overkill but it was enough to leave a good scent, his shirt was soft and she could feel his muscles through the fabric. His chest was strong and firm and the perfect place for her soft little head at the moment, he lay her down on the couch causing her heart to break a little because she low key didn't want him to let her go.

"Stay here, i'll be right back with some candles and stuff for your cut."

She heard him walk away as she closed her eyes again, her head hurt and she could tell her blood sugar levels were dropping the more the cut got air to it. Her blood was thin, due to the fact that she hadn't eaten all day and Aubrey was smart enough to realize that because one of the things he came back with was a small bowl of dry cereal. Cheerios of course, but without milk because he was a neat freak and didn't want her to spill it.

She sat up on the couch and moved to the edge where he kneel in between her legs, the candles he chose smelled good giving her a little bit of comfort. It gave her more of a "relaxing at home" type of feeling, she grabbed on to Aubrey's free hand as he began to clean her wound that was illuminated by a stray flashlight he picked up. It burned bad, worse then when it happened as he scraped off the dried blood and tiny glass shards. He put antibacterial ointment on it and wrapped it in gauze before standing before her, she look up at him as he look down at her. The place her head was located and the way she looked up at him made him have dirty thoughts, he tried his hardest to shake the thoughts from his mind as he placed the material back into his first aid kit. He laughed at Oliver when he gave it to him but at this moment he was glad he had it because to him he looked like Nina's hero. He walked over and plopped down into the recliner, the power was clearly out so he couldn't turn on the TV so he reached for his phone in his pocket and decided to mess around on that. Nina stare at him, hard. Her thoughts raced as she wished that she was still in his arms, she wished he wouldn't have set her down. She hated to admit it but she would have rather bled then have him let her go, she didn't know where these thoughts and feelings were coming from but she had them and she couldn't shake them off.

He watcher her as she stood up and shuffled over to him, her movement was slow as if she was unable to see once again. She didn't make eye contact but she kept her eyes on him, she doubted her thoughts a few times but she couldn't take it anymore. She was practically starving for the feeling again, the feeling of being wrapped in his arms with her head lying gently on his chest, she put his hands on each side of the recliner arm rests as he stare at her. She put each knee on each side of him as she sit down, she was now straddling him as he set down his phone and stare intently at her, awaiting her next move.

"Hold me, please."

She lay her head gently on his chest while he now stare straight forward with his eyes widened just a little, he wrapped his arms around her small frame as he look down at her, Her eyes were closed while she snuggle up to him just a little more. It was unexpected but at this moment he was the happiest person in the world, not only was he holding her, but it was her move and play. He had nothing to do with her choices and it felt good to know that she wanted him to hold her, he knew that for a fact because she asked him too. He smile as the two of them fall asleep together, completely wrapped in each others love.

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