TPP : Chapter LI

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She was nervous, she had a bad feeling. Today she should not have been nervous because it was supposed to be a good day. It was the last day of H.A.W and to end it there was a huge party. It would be the pool party x4 simply because it was free and you didn't need passes to attend. When Aubrey said the whole city attended he wasn't joking, it was a free event, music, food, drinks and celebrities, why wouldn't you want to attend?

But she had a feeling, a feeling that didn't sit to well in her tummy. She dressed down, simply in jeans and a t-shirt, she wore sneakers on her feet and her hair up in a ponytail because leaving it down was to much to handle. She knew for a fact that Rico and the gang would be there and she made it a mission to find them through the crowd. Whether Oliver liked it or not, she was seeing them today.

Oliver kept her from Aubrey, that sucked but she was only in Houston for one more day, he was not keeping her from the gang. They were family, they were all her brothers who she had grown to love.

"Nina! Let's go!"

She rolled her eyes, his voice was growing annoying so it was becoming a habit to roll her eyes often. She ran her hands down the front of her before turning on her heels to exit the room, everyone was dressed casual yet still managed to look amazing. The crew dressed down in shorts, sweats, jump suits, jeans. Casual was the only word to describe it but who knew casual could look like a billion bucks.

Aubrey winked at her and smiled, she smiled back but Oliver caught on. Eye roll came on cue, they couldn't even look at each other without being yelled at.

"Warning one."

Her heart thudded, how could just looking and smiling be a punishment, she didn't anything wrong. She looked down at the ground, she could feel Aubreys eyes on her but they were removed quickly as he looked at Oliver in confusion. He knew Oliver would be more strict but he didn't understand why he was giving her warnings, he wanted to know what the warnings meant, how many warnings she had and when and if she ran out of warnings what would happen?

"Alright, let's head out."

The ride wasn't to bad, it was about 30 minutes but felt like 30 hours for Aubrey and Nina. Aubrey stare at her the whole time, he watch her in ignorance, he was confused about why just 2 words would make her whole personality change. The party was live, it was placed at minute maid park, the same place that the softball game took place. The music blasted and the whole place smelled like food, the crowd was buzzing thanks to Future the Prince, drakes DJ, who had arrived earlier.

Now that they were there Nina had no worries, she had worries of course but she wasn't paying much mind. For example, the horrible feeling that only grew stronger. She searched around her as she walk through the place to the VIP section, she was getting used to the VIP life and shockingly enough she didn't like it.

"Alright here."

She looked up to see Oliver standing in front of her, in his hand he held a black piece of metal.

"What is this?"

"It's a gps tracker, I know you'll be bored sitting here so I'm giving you free range. But because I am your mentor I will need to know where you are."

"So your saying if I wear this... I can do whatever I want."

He nodded his head yes, for the first time in a while she smiled. She hated the idea of the clunky metal being wrapped tightly on to her wrist but if it meant she could be away from him, it was worth it. He quickly tightened the strap around her wrist and before they all knew it she was running fast from the VIP section, she could hear both Oliver and Aubrey calling her name as she ran away, Oliver should have known that was coming but she felt kind of bad for Aubrey.

She smiled as she ran freely, the beat of the music carrying her through the crowd. It was windy out today so the breeze felt great against her skin, she heard her name being called causing her smile to only grow larger. She knew it was Rico and she didn't doubt it.

Once her eyes met his she ran towards him, every time she saw him it felt like Christmas morning, she jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. She was afraid that with a crowd this big she wouldn't ever find him but surprisingly she did within the first 40 seconds of being "free". He set her down after a good long hug and smiled down at her

"Sup kid?"

"I'm free!"

"Free of?"

She held up her arm to show the tracking bracelet, she felt like a dog with one of those invisible fence devices on. The one where if the dog stepped from the yard it would shock them until they returned into the yard, she knew it wouldn't shock her but that's how she felt. The red light beeped continuously to show that it was on which kind of upset her, she was hoping Oliver would be stupid and forget to turn it on but she knew he wasn't that dumb.

"What the hell is that?"

"So they can see where I am, to make sure I'm out of trouble."

"So you can leave?"

"I don't know, he didn't specify. But I don't care."

He smiled and grabbed her hand in his, his hand was smooth and comforting. Which is what she needed, ever since her and Aubrey had been separated she felt empty, that space was happily becoming filled by Rico.

"Lemme take you somewhere."


He smiled kindly before turning on his heels and walking away, he still held her hand in his and it felt nice. She didn't know where she was going and she didn't care, all she knew was that she was truly happy for the first time in what felt like years.

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