SiCk FiC

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You could say he saw the signs. A little anyway. His familiar was just as good as him in hiding something. Just a tad bit of what they had in common. And it wasn't all that obvious for either him or Nari to catch on to.

Or maybe he just doesn't want to admit that he was maybe a bit oblivious. Either way when Archie managed to transform into a cat dragon after messing up with turning into a bird almost sparrow like, then a bunny with a spot of white on his head just to finally get to his cat dragon form, that's when Douxie took action. Archie never really messes up his transformations unless he's nervous, and that seemed highly unlikely.

Douxie had tried sending through as much comfort as possible through their linked bond, hoping his familiar could feel a little better. But when that seemed to failed he had to switch to plan B. God Archie hated plan B.

So yes, that's how Douxie ended up in a nice white room (totally not his style) where Archie was laying on a metal table giving him dirty looks all while the vet did a thorough check up.

He watched as the dark haired male finally leaned away form his friend to brief him, ''Archie here will be fine, but i'll just have to give you a few things to be sure.''

Douxie nodded in understanding watching as the vet- August as he introduced himself as, scratched under the felines neck. Douxie almost rolled his eyes at the purring creature who already seemed to had made up his mind on not liking the vet. Actually, it was a whole lot of convincing, scratching and the weary use of magic just to drive down to the place. A whole lot of chaos to say the least, and Douxie had to be the one feeling the pain all because of a sick cat that didn't want to be taken care of. But Douxie knew Archie would thank him later, or maybe something close to it- really, it doesn't matter. 

Then August is walking around the metal table to a well placed shelf of various medicines up in the corner of the room. He's searching among them and Archie decides to sit and lick at his paws a few times. ''So, how long have you had Archie for?''

He and Archie exchanged a glance. Did they really have to give away their relationship, was that apart of it too? Well he can answer that, at least.

''My entire life, actually. He's just always been there.'' That was barely a lie right? He's known Archie for however centuries now. He turns back around with a few bottles in hand, placing them on the table one by one. And he nods at the reply given. ''Did you adopt or...''

Douxie ran a hand over his hair that was caught at the bottom. Nari had insisted he sat down as she worked with one hand band to put Douxie's long hair together. He had liked that memory he and her shared. Still remembering the feeling of her small hands combing through his raven hair.

''Oh, no, given... by- uh- my parents...'' He won't lie, that one caught him off guard, he even finished with a smile to make it seem less suspicious. But the green eyed (cute) vet already caught him, smirking. ''Then, that means you have signed documents, correct?''

Douxie racked his brain, could he really lie three times in a row? He was totally fucked now. ''Uh...-'' The taller stood waiting with crossed arms across his chest.


Long story short. Douxie survived and came out feeling drained with an Archie in hand, almost sleeping. Good news though, he got his number, strictly just for an emergency, though it still had Douxie whooping a hand in the air for a win. And as he was waving goodbye to the man, he caught him biting his lip and Douxie kept replaying it in his head, thinking it was attractive.

He's shaking the image form his mind again and focused on the road to reach home. 

Upon reaching inside he quickly made sure to see if Nari was still in the sofa, snoring away as she held a rose in hand. Douxie took a quick pic and went to place away Archie's supplies up in the bathroom cupboard. As he went to close it he caught the said cat walking in. Just about to repeat to him to rest, Archie spoke first. ''I had really been planning to scratch you eyes out old friend,'' he smiled lightly.

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