30. A step forward...

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Tae has been doing a phenomenal job at the office. He is just as efficient as Mei is,with just a lot of suss and eye rolling.

I love how we can talk about work and switch it off as soon as we reach home and just be a normal couple .

I hate what my mom did to Tae last week . He told me to let it go because things are just going to escalate, but even without me having to do anything, my mom is still not backing down. That's why I've called an emergency meeting with all the executives, project managers,etc

It's pretty clear now that she's going to continue to terrorize us. I hate that I am putting him through all of this or making him wait this long.

I have planned a surprised date for us for tonight. I had to make all the reservations myself ,since Mei isn't here and he's the only one here. He has only made friends with Troy and Eliss,and they seem to genuinely like him.

I am still skeptical about Jimin and his motives for wanting to be friends with Tae. I mean, why would they even be friends? It just wouldn't make sense for them to be friends.  They can just be cordial

Jk:" Babe,can you please come to my office?

Tae:" Is this a social call, Mr Jeon? Because if it is I have to decline,I am quite busy.

Jk:" Taehyung, just come already,

Tae:" I am busy, though. I have two more emails that I need to send. It's almost time to go home,so let me just get this done. Bye

He hung up on me,this boy seriously just hung up on me. We already spoke about this. When I am at work,I am his boss. So I got up from my chair and made my way to him.

Jk:" Taehyung

The phone rings, and he shush me to answer it. Oh wow. Maybe I am just his employee at this point . After the phone call ended, he looked up at me

Tae:" How can I help you, sir?

Jk:" You play way too much,baby.

Tae:" So,why were you calling me earlier?

Jk:" Forget it,you've ruined it

Tae:" What was it about?

Jk:" Go home

Tae:" What? It's only 4:26 p.m. Why do you want me to leave?

Jk:" Because I have a surprise for you back home

Tae:" Mmmm,what's this all about Mr Jeon?

He pushed his chair out and came around to where I was standing and threw his arms around my neck

Jk:" It's a surprise

Tae:" Mmm,you do know that I am not good at being surprised, right?

Jk:" I know,but I am going to do it anyway.

Tae:" Can I stop by the salon on my way home?

Jk:" Yes,just be done by 7 pm

Tae:" Okay,let me just finish up everything quickly, and I will be out of your hair

Jk:" Just promise me that you won't freak out on me okay,please

Tae:" Why would I freak out?

Jk:" We are going to meet a couple of people before we move on to your surprise

Tae:" Please don't make me sit in the same room as with your parents.  They are terrifying

Jk:" Well....

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