42. Locked in..

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Tae's POV

Waking up to an empty space next to me is not what I signed up for when I decided to be Jungkook's boyfriend, but I knew that he would be traveling a lot with work so I have to get used to it.

I am still in bed,on my phone, and reading messages from Jungkook . I must've slept as soon as my I got comfortable because I missed his video call. I stood up and went to my closet, took out the remaining pregnancy tests, and repeated what I did last night

While the tests rested on the counter, I took a shower,came out, and brushed my teeth. Towel dried my hair and checked the tests. Yep, it's still the same. They all show pregnant,

I probably cried myself to sleep last night thinking about how my mom and Hobie hyung would react to the news. Most importantly, I am worried about Jungkook's reaction . He wanted us to wait for at least two years to have a child.

He's the one who turned my alarm off for my pill intake. He's going to think that I trapped him or that I did this on purpose . His parents are going to have a filled day scrutinizing me for this. I need to go go see a doctor, or else I am just going to drive myself crazy with thoughts.

I then collected all the pregnancy tests and boxes,all the instructions, and leaflets and put them in a paper bag. I don't want Mi-yoon to see them,I want to be the one to tell Jungkook about this pregnancy.

After that, I wore my gown and just laid on the bed. My phone rings ,it's 7:30 in Korea, we are 7 hours ahead of Germany, so you do the math.

Tae:" Baby,shouldn't you be asleep?

Jk:" I slept all the way here. I tried calling you last night

Tae:" I know,I saw it this morning. I must've been tired. I am sorry.

Jk:" Don't be,it's okay. Mi-yoon told me that you weren't feeling well.

Tae:" I am okay now. Don't worry about it

Jk:"How can I not worry about you. You're my boyfriend. I can ask Mei to make an appointment for you with my doctor

Tae:" Baby, no,I am okay. I promise.

Jk:" You're not on some secret diet shit right? You don't need to lose any weight. Your body is perfect. Your ass,your waist,are all sculpted perfectly

Tae:" I am not trying to lose any weight. Can you just go to bed already? Get some shut eye?

Jk:" What are your plans for the day?

Tae:" I want to go visit Tina at her -

Jk: Absolutely not

Tae:" I just want to go see her,please. I will be there for about an hour and go back to the salon

Jk:" I don't like it

Tae:" Please, I will be with the bodyguards

Jk:" You are stubborn

Tae:" Hmmm,you already knew this.

Jk:" Okay,it's fine. I am going to call you during lunch, I want to see you eat something live.Not just fruit.

Tae:" Okay, Daddy

Jk:" mmmmhhh, are you still wearing those cute pajamas?

Tae:" Noo,I am wearing a gown,nothing under,fresh out the shower

Jk:" Fuck,the things I wanna do to you right now

Tae:" (softer tone) Like what? Tell me

Jk:" I won't. Touching your body is my job. I don't want you to touch yourself

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