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Tae and  I are in  Jeju Island.  We just want to spend some quality time together. Tae woke me up with a really hot blow job,and to think it's only been two months since he first had his first blow job, and now he's a pro at it

He told me to let him pick what we would be doing for the day, and I agreed. I am curious to see what he has planned, and I am excited as well.

It's a beautiful Saturday morning,breakfast in our suite,by the balcony ,over looking the beautiful sunrise. Tae looked incredible in his pink thong last night,so what better way than to surprise him with a set that I'd love to remove very slowly ,or maybe tear it off his body.

He has his legs over my thighs ,my hand between his thighs. Just relaxing after our food,soaking up the vitamin D.

Tae:" Baby,do you want to stop by the guesthouses? Surprise visit

Jk:" What?

Tae:" We will just make a quick stop before the day activities start.

Jk:" Are you sure?

Tae:" I am positive. It will be like killing two birds with one stone . They aren't expecting to see you, so there will be mistakes exposed,slacking,negligence, or really hard-working builders

Jk:" I like that idea. Thank you, baby.

Tae:" So let's go take a shower and go before they find out that you're here. We came here so quietly.

Jk:" Mmm,okay,let's go take a bath

Tae:" Don't look at me like that

Jk:" Mmm,like what?

Tae:" Like that, it's beautiful but also dangerous

Jk:"Dangerous in what way?

Tae:" ( shy smile) It makes me wanna

Jk:" Wanna what baby? ( pulling him closer)

Tae:" Stop  (blushing)

Jk:" You're beautiful. How are you so pretty ?

His ears got so red ,and he removed his leg,scooted his chair out, and stood up. I let him, and I put his surprise on the bed with flowers. I then stood up as soon as I heard a gasps

Tae:"Bay-bee, when did you do this? I was with you the whole time.

Jk:" I got my ways.

Tae:" I thought red and black were your favorite

Jk:" They are,but seeing you in that pink last night was soft,beautiful

Tae:" You want to see me in this tonight?

Jk:" Yes,I wanna fuck you with it on,by the balcony ,

Tae:" No way,someone can see us

Tae:" It's pretty, I can't wait to put it on. Thank you, honey ( boxy smile)

 Thank you, honey ( boxy smile)

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