89.Vocal cords

296 10 7

Tae's POV

I don't know how Jenny does it, but she slayed the commercial . I actually had to step in to do her hair because she didn't like the way that they did it. And by doing her hair, I mean flipping it to the other side with my good hand and just running my fingers through it.

She was also just happily introducing me  to crew members as her brother inlaw.  Some people recognized me as Jungkook's boyfriend and the guy who had been trended for over a week.

They were also so empathetic towards me, a huge stomach and a broken arm.They really went out of their way for me. David and Ian also never left my side,ugh Jeon.

After her commercial, we went out for lunch

Jen:" Aaah, look at us. Who would've thought that this was possible ?

Tae:" I know,I want to keep them in until they are ready to come out,but also, I want them out as soon as possible.

Jen:"(laughing) I understand.Is it getting difficult 8to get your freak on?

Tae:" Something like that. Anyway,I've been meaning to talk to you about the whole moving out thing

Jen:" You have to admit that at some point Hobie and I are also going to want our own space

Tae:" I am not against it. And I understand you guys completely. It's just that the house will be super empty without the two of you

Jen:" I know, but we will probably always be over there. I love Mi-yoons food and how considered Ms Helen is,and our late night chats.

Tae:" Did you guys already start looking?

Jen:" We have ,but nothing concrete yet. It will be so stupid of us to pack up and leave while I am in this condition.  I won't be making the right decisions for anything. Everything will be hormonal.

Tae:" I get you.

Jen:" You have been checking your phone a lot. What's going on?

Tae:" I am just worried

Jen:" Jungkook just went to work . He will be back

Tae:" He went to see (whispering) his mom and Bogum

Jen:" What? ( whisper yell)

Tae:" Yes,

Jen:"Do you think he's going to do something horrible to them?

Tae:" I hope not. He said that he didn't want to lie to me about what he was gonna do.

Jen:" Fuck,but don't worry. He's not going to do anything crazy.  He's obviously going to think about you and his kids

Tae:" Yeah,yes ,I should calm down.

Jen:" It wasn't easy for him when you got hurt. We all went through a terrible time,but he suffered so much. And I am not taking away from anyone's pain

Tae:" I know Jen,I saw it all.

Jen:" Should we go do a little shopping? Let's get matching pajamas for us

Tae:" Retail therapy, need it

Jen:" Are you satisfied with the second salons setup?

Tae:" Yes,it's perfect

Jen:" So Tina and Sol will go that side, and Tina along with Tessa and Hobie will stay at the original one

Tae:" Yes, will join the other's once this situation is taken care of

Jen:" Are you going to hire nannies?

Tae:" Yes,two babies,and boys? We will be so exhausted  and I don't want Mi-yoon and Ms Helen to do it all. It just wouldn't be fair.

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