61.Two Months

303 11 7


Today is the day for the doctor's appointment. We are both nervous but excited at the same time. I have high hopes because Taehyung has been eating very well and resting.

I see a huge change in him,and I feel it when I hold him in my arms. 

Jk:"Baby, everything will be fine

Tae:" You think so?

Jk:" I know so. After the appointment I have a little surprise for you.

Tae:" Are we going to the salon?

Jk:" Baby

Tae:" Okay,but we have a deal

Jk:" If the doctor says it's fine,

Tae:" Okay. No take backs. I've done everything the doctor asked of me to a T. I need to get back into the world

This is a subject that I just don't like. I don't want Tae to work or be out there

Tae:" Jungkook ,don't do that. Don't make that face.

Jk:" I am not making a face

Tae:" Yes, you are. Baby,we talked about this.

Jk:" That's doesn't mean that I like it.

We were about to walk into the clinic when Hoseok came with Jenny and Tae's Mom. We are both surprised to see them here. His mom hugged us both,she must've woken up early to be here

Mom:" I am sorry,I just didn't want to miss today's appointment

Jk:" Why are you apologizing? This is a pleasant surprise.  You're more than welcome . I am so happy to see you

Tae:" Thank you for coming,mom.

Jenny:" We really just wanted to show our support.  We are worried about the little ones as well.

Hoseok:" I know that everything is going to be just fine,we just wanted to be here.

Jk:" This really means so much to us.

Tae:" We should go in before we miss our appointment

We all walked in, and the receptionist welcomed us, and everyone took a seat . The assistant nurse called Tae, and he went to give a urine sample,get his blood  pressure checked out, and take his weight ,I am just pacing up and down outside the room.

He's eating really well, and we have also been having careful sex. We haven't argued. Even after he saw Oliver trying to get close to me at the Gala dinner ,Tae kept his cool and stayed by my side. I made sure to claim him and made sure no one linked me to anyone, but Tae

I heard a voice that I thought I wouldn't hear for a while

Jin:" Stop pacing ,you're making us all dizzy

Jk:" Jin hyung? Oh my God, you came?

He walked towards me and gave me a hug,and I held him tightly.

Jin:" You sounded like you needed me here when we last spoke

Jk:" Thank you for coming. Wow,Tae will be so happy

After a couple of minutes, Tae came out with a smile. He saw Jin and rushed over to hug him. They go into their own little world, talking ,so I walked back to sit next to his mom, who is holding her rosary and silently praying. I admire this woman so much that I would give up all the money in my account to have a mother like her.

Jk:" They are going to be okay, mom

Mom:" Yes,they will be fine. Because they feel their parents love.

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