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Tae's POV

Jungkook and I have been bickering back and forth like teenagers.  He wants me to just put a pause on everything and follow him around.

I get that he's afraid something might happen to me while he's away, but I have two bodyguards whom he assigned to take care of me. I can also take care of myself.

I also have personal reasons why I want to stay behind.  I didn't sleep well last night because I'm worried that I might be .Gosh, I don't even want to say the word. We  aren't ready for anything like that,and we barely started dating.  Fuck.

We are still in bed, and both of us are awake, but no one is saying anything.  I have my back turned towards him,his arm is under my head, and the other hand is under my pajama shirt.  Although we've argued a lot last night,we've also had sex,in his office, and again in our bed.

His arm must be numb by now. If I move it out the way, he's going to find fault in it.

Tae:" You're going to be late

Jk:" I still have time

Tae:" Okay,well, I am going to get ready for work

Jk:" You still have time. What's the rush?

Tae:" I want to go into town,restock.

Jk:" I honestly think that you're just doing have this shit to piss me the fuck off

Tae:" You're putting way too much importance on your name. I am also not in the mood to argue with you today. 

I sat up and turned my whole body towards him ,reached for his hand ,and looked at him.He looked pissed but sexy. He always looks so good

Tae:" You're traveling today , I really don't want us to continue arguing. Please

Jk:" I don't want to argue with you either. All I want is for my boyfriend to accompany me, and to be by my side. That's all.

Tae:" I already told you why I can't go with you. Baby I have a business to run,I have things to do here as well

Jk:" Fine

Tae:" Fine?

Jk:" Hmm,

He got up and went to his closet, took his traveling bag out,putting it on the bed as I watched

Tae:  Mi-yoon already packed your bag last night. Just go and take a bath. Don't let Jin hyung and Namjoonie hyung wait for you

He closed the suitcase and took it back. He came out and stood infront of the bathroom door, arms folded infront of his chest,looking at me

Jk:" I don't want Bogus around you. I don't care what the circumstances are I don't want him around you

He knows his name,it's Bogum

Tae:" Okay

Jk:" I don't want you working late or going out to bars or clubs

Tae:" Okay

Jk:" Eat at home or food prepared by Mi-yoon

Tae:" Done

Jk:" If you need anything, talk to Mei.

Tae:" I will

Jk:" I need you in bed when I call at night

Tae:" Okay

Jk:" You do understand how important your safety is to me right? I made a promise to you,your mom, and Hosoek to protect you, and that's all I want to do.

Tae:" I get that,I do. I am going to be careful.  I know that I came close to being poisoned ,I know that you're scared that something might happen to me, but I am going to be vigilant

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