48. Condoms...

311 13 12

Tae's POV

One more day to go before the cats out the bag. I am super excited and nervous as hell. I've been watching cute videos of how girls do a pregnancy reveal and I am thinking about doing that for my mom and Hobie hyung.

Jungkook is going to see his baby on the screen. I can't wait to see his face.

Jk:" What are you going to do for the day?

Tae:" I feel so much better,I am going to work .I can't stay away for so long

Jk:" Baby ( softer gaze)

Tae:" Please, if I stay in bed for one more day,I am going to go crazy.

Jk:" Okay ,I am going to be in back to back meetings today but I will call you or text you in-between.

Tae:" Okay,but if you can't, it's okay. I will see you at home

Jk:"(smiling) That's the best part of my day,knowing that I get to come home to you

Tae:" Go to work. I am going to be fine.

Jk:" Stay out of trouble. And stop making the bodyguards go gaga for you. David is supposed to be fired for covering up for you

Tae:" Thank you for not firing him

Jk:" Mmmmhhh ,he's on his final warning.

Tae:" So,tomorrow is a very important day,

Jk:" I know,I won't miss it baby. That's why I am taking up as much work as I can today, so that I can be free for your appointment

Tae:" Okay,good. Now go

Jk:" By the way,did you get your necklace

Tae:" What necklace?

Jk:" Oh it must still be in my travel bag,I thought I took it out

He was about to go and get the suitcase but I stopped him

Tae:" I will get it ,Mi-yoon still hasn't unpacked it. I think Fridays are for laundry and dry cleaning.

Jk:" Okay,don't sniff my dirty clothes

Tae:" Ew,no. Have a great day

Jk:" I love you baby

We kissed and hugged before he left for the office . I still had a couple of minutes to spare,I went to his suitcase and brought it to the bed and opened it.

Mi-yoon:" (walked in) What are you doing? Did you carry that all by yourself

Tae:" ( lying) naaah,nope

Mi-yoon:" You can't carry heavy stuff Taehyung. You are still in a very fragile stage

Tae:" Okay,I am sorry . Jungkook told me that he bought me a necklace. I wanted to look for it

Mi-yoon:" Call me next time. I am here for the laundry. You really have to be careful,

She helped me with unpacking his clothes, I saw the shirt that he wore when he shared a hug with Oliver,this fucker left a lipstick stain on his collar

Tae:" You can burn that shirt

Mi-yoon:" Are you sure?

Tae:" Yes,throw it away,do whatever you want with it. The nerve of this mother fucker to leave a mark on my man's clothes,

Mi-yoon:" I can get it out

Tae:" Do you have a brother or boyfriend? Or girlfriend?

Mi-yoon:" Younger brother,I will give it to him.

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