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JK's mom

I kept a really low profile and didn't bother them for two full weeks. I just let them think that I am too busy to care about what they're doing.

It seems as though Jungkook has his doctor send his test results for a third evaluation to another doctor to look it over. It's a good thing we could bribe him to give the same answer as his doctor.

His doctor told me that his little boyfriend is on contraceptives, and the only way to get him off those is by making him sick enough to need antibiotics . I hope they slip up and he gets pregnant.  I know my son,he hasn't told his twink that he can't have kids,that's why he's still trying to get answers. He's getting a third opinion.

All of this will play a major role one day. I haven't been going to the office. I have been hanging out with the ladies from the millionaires club. We found a different venue for our extravagant lunches and book reading

Also, good news is on my side. I've managed to track down the guy from Los Angeles, the best part is that he's been keeping up with Jungkook's  news and is ready to come down here for all expenses paid visit to see his friend.

I will have a face to face sit down with him once he arrives here

Mr Jeon:" What are we going to do?

Mrs Jeon:" Poison him ,just enough for him to be off those family planning pills

Mr Jeon:" Are you sure that this is the only way to break them up?

Mrs Jeon:" Positive, Jungkook believes that he's infertile,the doctor that he's been with for more than 10 years told him so,his colleague gavw second opinion, and a different doctor gave him a third opinion .  The seed has been planted

Mr Jeon:" What about DNA tests?

Mrs Jeon:" Only from 8 to 9 weeks,it will be gone before that

Mr Jeon:" It will technically be our first  -

Mrs Jeon:" Don't say it. No grandchild of mine will come from an abnormal, abomination, male uterus.  It's a curse,

Mr Jeon:" I agree,man shouldn't be able to do such a thing

Ding - dong

That must be our new informant..the one that's going to administor the poison. Our housekeeper lets her in

Mr Jeon:" Bianca, welcome to our home

Bianca:" I am here to pick up the stuff.

Mrs Jeon:" Go through the plan again

Bianca:" Requests a house call for my hair,offer him food and a drink,that's already laced with poison.  He won't know what hit him .

Mrs Jeon:" Don't put a lot,don't fuck up or you won't get the rest of the money.

Mr:" Make sure that you take out the duplicate plates and glasses incase you fuck up.

Bianca:" I will be very careful .

We her the poison and she puts it in a handbag,Bianca pops her gum and leaves our house.

Mrs Jeon:" We have to find out when Jenny has her papsmear appointment.  I want her to be inseminated with Jungkook's sperms as soon as possible.  Her parents already approved . This is what they owe us. His rightful heir

Mr Joen:" We have to get those two brother's away from them

Mrs:" That's what I live for now. I can't wait to see the look on Jungkook's face when he doubts the pregnancy with back up,and how hurt and disappointed that intruder will be.

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