25.The announcement

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Tae's POV

Jungkook and Jenny came back from their successful trip to Dubai in the early hours on Saturday morning. We had prepared everything for their welcome home.

I was obviously too excited to see him because I missed him so much ,so we had the chef come to the house to prepare a hearty breakfast for them.

Jungkook wanted me to go along with his driver to pick him so that the two of us could go somewhere alone,but I had to decline . I prepared so much for him here at home,and I knew what he wanted, and I was going to give it to him

I swear if I wasn't on birth control, I would've already been pregnant, and that would be super embarrassing and disappointing so many people.

Anyway he brought me so many gifts, our room is filled with very expensive gift bags,from,jewelry, watches, perfume,Victoria's secret lingerie and those really sexy dresses,tops,pants,all fucking designer clothes. From Fenty,Gucci,Louis Vuitton to Celine to Armani,I tried on some of them and just got tired, and now we are just in a really messy room

So,tonight is also the day that they have a company dinner to celebrate their successful trip. They are going to celebrate it with all the investors, chairman,board members, managers, and employees of Bangtan Hotels here in Soeul .

I decided not to go to work today and just spend quality time with my man,who is on his laptop and phone . He is talking to Mei , and he wants her to prepare all the important documents for the dinner tonight

I went to the bathroom, took a piss,washed my hands, and dried them. Then I walked out,closed the door behind me, and decided to go check up on Jenny. Just as I reached the door,Jungkook put his phone away and called me back

Tae:" I am just going to check on Jenny to see if she needs any help with her hair

Jk:" Come back to bed, baby

Tae:" Baby,I will be back. Just finished talking to Mei

Jk:" Taehyung

Tae:" Okay, okay.

I let go of the door handle and walked back to bed. This man is so selfish. He dives right back to work,I really want to pack my closet, but I am lazy, and I can't do it the way Mi-yoon does it. She scolds me if she finds a hanger facing the wrong way. She's so neat or had OCD because everything is color coded,even packed according to length .

Tae:" ( Whisper) Jungkook, I can't just stay here and watch you work,let me do something else I am going to work

Jk:" You can put your gifts away

Tae:" Anything but that

Jk:"Do me,always do me

Tae:"Pass,I will go and try to put my stuff away. You can't keep me cooked up in here while you work.

I got up again and started to take my bags to my walk-in closet space,which is insanely huge. I decided to just leave everything in the bags and not get Mi-yoon mad. As for the jewelry, I decided to put it away myself.  Where am I even going to wear these watches too? It's so beautiful and I am really happy with my gifts.

I also decided to put the lingerie away,I don't want Mi-yoon to see them and think that I am some sort of a sex maniac.  Well,she has seen the nitty-gritty bits of our aftermath on the bed sheets, so yah,that's that.

It's 11 pm right now,Jungkook and Jenny arrived at 5,we all ate together around 6,Jungkook and I had sex from ,three rounds and we rested around 8 am,until Mei woke us up with a call around 10:32 a.m. The dinner is around 8 pm, so we can still sleep for a couple of hours.

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