68. Fool me once

459 11 18

Mama Jeon

I know that my sons coming back home to see us and talk to us would've never ended with us getting what're we wanted. We can all keep secrets, and I have kept mine for 28 years, almost 29 to be exact.

My husband thinks I am oblivious, dumb to know what he's been up to? I know,I have followed him, and I had to follow a lot of times. I know that he's gay,duh.

I know that he's been sleeping with Maxine,I got him for him,to keep him busy,and to keep my husband out of my business. I caught on to him liking men when Jin turned 1,a room full of beautiful women, and he couldn't stop looking at our chef. Call it women's intuition.

I have a surgeon friend who will always be my friend, who showed me where to cut myself. He drew lines for me. While my husband was out get his ass licked. I was busy making plans to skip jail time with putting suicide on the forefront. I knew that I would be okay because of my plan with my friend.

The boys ,along with their father stayed by my side,and I just kept my eyes closed,annoyed by their presence in my room,until they were told to leave. He told them that I wouldn't wake up till the next day so they left.

Doc;" They left, you can open your eyes.

Mom:" Did it work? Do they think I am suicidal?

Doc:" You're seriously mentally unwell.

Mom:" I need more pain medication

Doc:" Sure,you went off the script . Good thing the chest cuts aren't deep and that they will heal quickly.

Mom:" Thank you ,now when they come again later,I am not going to talk or react to them ,you know what to do right?

Doc;" I know ,we went over this a thousand times

Mom:" We have a deal. I let you see him and you help me avoid jail time.

Doc:" He's such a handsome young man.

Mom:" Don't go poking around in his life. I kept my promise. I send pictures of him to you on all of his birthdays.

Doc:" I just want to have conversations with him. He is my only son after all

Mom:" You have a girl as well.

Doc:"She was a twin,the other died during birth. They don't know each other and she just turned 20

Mom:" Don't do that. We agreed to never speak about anything. That was our deal

Doc:" I heard them talking, is he expecting kids with that Jenny girl or the guy he declared his love to?

Mom:" To Jenny. He's expecting his first child with Jenny. He's not gay. I told you what my husband did to them

Doc:" My grandchild,and I can't even claim it. You shouldn't have allowed your husband to make the boys feel bad about being gay,it's normal

There is a knock on the door and a nurse walked in

Nurse:" Doc,Mr Jungkook is waiting for you in your office

Mom:" He's stubborn just like you. Remember,tell them that I need psychiatric evaluation, and that you will be sending me off to get help

Doc:" I don't have to say anything, Jin already suggested it.

Mom:" Don't fuck this up or you will go down with me for operating on Jin. Jungkook won't forgive you for that

The door opened and I quickly closed my eyes.

Doc:" Jungkook, right?

Jk:" Uhm yes,how is she doing? Is she in pain?

Doc:" She's going to be fine but it will take a while for her to heal

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