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Tae's POV

Saturday night was a total nightmare. Jungkook was understandably angry, especially with the fact that I told David not to tell him about meeting Minjae in the bathroom.

I kept apologizing and telling him that I did it only so he wouldn't stress about it. Two whole days have passed since then, and I have been banned from talking to my bodyguards because I apparently soften them up.

It's a horrible Monday morning, Jungkook had urgent work to do at the office but refused to go because this little peanut is already showing me flames. I thought he was gone when, in fact, he was in his home office when the morning sickness started .I have four more days to go before my sonar appointment.

Jk:" I am going to call my doctor to come. I hate seeing you like this, and don't tell me it is nothing when it's obviously something.

Tae:" Jungkook

Jk:" I am worried about you,for fucks sake can't you see that. You're so pale,and your collarbones are showing but not in a fucking good why.

Tae:" Whoa, thanks babe

Jk:" Taehyung, just tell me what's wrong,please?

Tae:" You just told me that I look disgusting, do you think I enjoy seeing my face in the mirror?

Jk:" Taehyung

Tae:" I see the way you look at my body, why don't you just go to work? I will figure it out myself

Jk:" That's not fair. I am your-

Tae:" What?

Jk:" Did your flow-

Tae:" Stop,we are not talking about that?

Jk:" Why not? It's a normal thing. Is that it?

Tae:" Jungkook please go to work,please.

Jk:" After you've seen my doctor,he will be here in 10 minutes

Tae:" I am like this because of you,remember that.

I walked to my closet and followed me. I took out clothes to wear and he puts it right back on the hanger

Jk:" Where do you think you're going?

Tae;" I have been neglecting work.

Jk:" Haaa Tae you really like to test my patience ,get back in bed or I am going to cuff you to the bed by force

Tae:" You can stay at home if you like ,I am going to work. I have clients waiting.

He picked me up and took me to our bed and put me on it.

Tae:"Must be nice to manhandle me,because I weight next to nothing in your eyes,right?

Jk:" I didn't say that

Tae:" You absolutely did, and now I feel like shit. Just go out Jungkook, if you don't go I won't talk to your doctor, and you can't make me.

There's a knock on the door,it's Mi-yoon

Mi-yoon:" Good morning to you both. The doctor is here

Jk:" Thank you Mi-yoon ,please show him up. I am going to leave you alone with him. I won't interfere either,but please tell him everything you feel,even the simplest thing.

Tae:" Okay ,I will

Jk:" You promise?

Tae:" Yes

Jk:" I will be in my office. Get some rest after he leaves. I will check up on you or ask Mi-yoon to do it

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