85.The ring

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It's been yet another week,and Tae is just refusing to wake up or is just being too stubborn.

This was the week that I was supposed to ask him to be mine forever. I had to ask Mei to cancel all reservations.

Today is also the day that they take him out of the induced coma. The doctors told us that the swelling had gone down.

Soon my baby will be breathing on his own,and open his eyes to see me. And we will talk about everything. He's going to be so sick of me

Mom:" Have you eaten?

Jk;" Yes mom,I did. Thank you.

Mom:" I am going to scold him so much for worrying you like this

Jk:" Please do,and he can forget about doing anything without me. I will be his shadow.

Hoseok:" He's going to be so annoyed, but that's what he gets for resting for so long.

Jen:" He even spoiled the whole surprise. We were all packed ready to be in France.

Mom:" It's going to happen still

Jk:" Yes,no doubt about it. I knew for a very long time that he was the one. Time happened, but we found our way back to each other.

Jen:" Yes you did. I remember being so curious about him,that I just had to go to the salon to see him. Boy was I shocked,in a very good way.

Hoseok:" We were shocked when Jungkook came to the salon for the first time. Tae had a restless night. He thought that you didn't like your hair

Jk:" I left the salon because I got jealous and furious. I expected him to be in a relationship, I just wasn't expecting to see them together on the first day I saw him

Hoseok:" Everything changed when you showed up .

Jk:" I got the ring today

Jen:" Really? I wanna see

Jk:" Mom first

I took the ring out of my pocket and gave it to mom. She opened it and and gasped, putting her hand over her heart

Jk:" Does mom approve? Is it worthy to be on your son's finger?

Mom:" What are you even talking about? Tae will love this. Because it's from you. It could've been a wire ring and he still would've bragged about it. It's gorgeous.

Jen:" Awwwwww,it's so beautiful. Babe,take notes. This is stunning.

Hoseok:" He will love it,you know him best.

Jk:" Okay,that settles it,

Jin:"( walked in) I told him that Tae will love it.

He walked over to Tae's mom and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Mom:" Jinnie,hallo son. Are you good?

Jin:" I am fine mah. Just busy doing someone's work,because sleeping beauty is taking his time to wake up. Hey Hobie,Jenny

Jenny:" Hey hyung,ugh so handsome as always

Hoseok:" Hey hyung

Jin:" I should sign up to be a model.

Jk:" No,stick to your day job

Jin:" Jealousy. Anyway, what time are they going to take out the tubes and machines?

Mom:" One more hour to go

Jin:" Okay,he will be just fine. I know it. I feel it in my gut

Mom:" I love how positive everyone is. And I am happy that my son's are surrounded by so much love.

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