4. Questions..

742 35 13

Tae's POV

Last night was probably one of the most confusing nights of my life. What did he mean by he's always liked me? What did he mean by he was going to ask me out? For fucks sake,what did he mean by he's gay and that Jenny is just his girlfriend for show?

Even when I tried to explain to Minjae that the wine was just a gift he didn't like the idea of another man giving me gifts. He didn't let me keep the flowers either. We had our first ever official argument last night,because he didn't like the idea that I had dinner alone with Jungkook. You make the matter even worse,Jungkook kept texting me and I had no fucking idea who gave him my number or how he got it.He made it clear that it was his personal number that he used to text me,sweet things with.

This morning he left without even saying a word and now I feel guilty. Now I don't know whether I want to work with Jungkook now. He did something to me last night,when he stood behind me by the door or when he touched my chin. I couldn't explain it but he almost made me lose my morals.

I have to meet up with Jungkook and tell him that I can't be his hairdresser because it's just going to cause problems in my relationship

Hosoek:" Is Minjae still angry with you?

Tae:" Yes,I shouldn't have accepted the wine but it's so good. I am so stupid. I should've just taken a cab back home,but Jungkook insisted.

Hosoek:" How was the dinner?

Tae:" Please don't ask me,I honestly don't know and thinking about it just gets me even more confused.

Hosoek:" Minjae didn't like the fact that you still stayed behind to talk to him. It was late and he was already paranoid

Tae:" Can we just go already?

Hosoek:" Yes,we have someone who reached out to our ad,we should meet her together.  I asked her to come along with someone who is will to do a haircut and color, just so that she can show us a demonstration

Tae:" Good idea, let's go.

We walked out of our apartment, locking it behind us and making it to our car. I was about to get into my car when an expensive looking black car parked behind us and a guy got out with a small white gift bag

Man:" Good morning, you are Kim Taehyung right?

Tae:" Yes,what can I do for you?

Man:"I am just making a delivery sir,

Tae:" We didn't order anything

Man:"It's a gift from my boss.

Tae:" Who is your boss?

Deep down I knew who this gift was from but I just needed to be sure

Man:" Mr Joen Jungkook ,he asked me to make sure that you get this.

Hosoek:" What is it?

Tae:" Please tell your boss that I can't accept any gifts from him. I am sorry that you wasted a trip to my place

Man:" I was told not to come back with the gift or I will lose my job. Please sir,I need thus job,I have a pregnant wife. We are going to need the money.

Unbelievable, who does this man think he is to threaten someone with their income? He walks towards me and gives me gift bag, thanks me for taking it and gets back in the car and drives away

Tae:" What does he think he's doing?

Hosoek:" I really want to know what he told you last night. You didn't have your breakfast neither

Tae:"I am going to need some clarity before I can tell you anything

Hosoek:" What in the bag?

Tae:" Why don't you open and see since you're obviously so curious about it.

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