2.I found you

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Tae's POV

I had to keep my cool when I was cutting Joen Jungkook's hair. My hands were shaking, and my heart was beating so fast. We went to the same college, he was the hot,quiet ,polite guy who, for some weird reason, I thought was gay.

I always thought he was cute,we even studied in the same study group. I was in my delusional phase because I always felt like he would stare a little longer at me or hold a gaze when we looked at each other .

But boy,my gay-dar was so off because he's dated girls and is dating one of the most beautiful models there is. Why did I even think I stood a chance with him,even if he was gay.

I don't know what I did because at first he seemed like he really liked the haircut, but the next thing ,he looked so pissed and left the salon so abruptly.  I am so worried that just one fucking word or tweet from Jungkook will be so bad for our business.  We finished up at the salon and went back home.

Hosoek:"What are you thinking about?

Tae:" Jungkook

Hosoek:" I know,how did you feel when you saw him today?

Tae:" Hyung, this is serious,if he says something bad about our salon,we are going to have to start all over again. Do you know how influential he is?

Hosoek:" He wouldn't do that,the way he was looking at you,was so ,I don't know how to put it into words.

Tae:" Stop,it's not like that. You know he has a girlfriend and the way he looks at people is just his eyes.

Hosoek:" I saw the way he looked at you. He never took his eyes away from you, that is until Minjae arrived

Tae:"  Stop filling my head up with nonsense. 

Hosoek:"You did a good job,please stop pestering yourself. I think Jungkook was just jealous that you have a boyfriend

Tae:" Stop,I was wrong when I told you about him. I should've just kept my feelings to myself

There was a moment at the graduation after party,where I felt like he was dying to tell me something but never did. It could've also just been a goodbye.

We got home,I went to the bathroom to take a shower while Hosoek fixed us a meal. Why is my heart beating so fast? Calm down,for fucks sakes Taehyung, what's wrong with you. You have a boyfriend and Jungkook has a girlfriend.  This crush of yours has to take an 'L'

I got out of the shower and went to my room to change into my pajamas.  After changing I came out and had dinner infront of the television.  There is a knock on the door ,it's Minjae, he did say that he would stop by .

He walks in,helps himself to some food and sits next to me,kissing my cheek. Minjae is a really sweet and caring guy,being with him is really fun to be with. He supports me in everything I do. When our dad passed away 2 years ago,he stayed by my side,he helped us through it. He went up and above for us,making sure everything was taken care of financially. 

I don't know if it's gratitude that had me seeing him in a different light,but we started dating soon after. Hosoek always told me that I was with him out of gratitude, I don't see it that way,we have been friends for years and it just developed from there.

Minjae:" First ever celebrity in your salon,how do you feel about the young billionaire being in your seat?

Tae:" I feel like I might've fucked it up. He didn't look so happy when he left the salon

Minjae:" You didn't, you're good at what you do.  Let's wait for tomorrow morning to see what happens

Tae:" Should I just sit back and wait for a bad review from him ? That's my family's only source of income

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