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Tae's POV

Last night was absolutely amazing.  We stayed up and spoke about a lot of things till the wee hours of the morning . Jungkook literally had me lay down on top of him for the whole night. He rubbed my back, kissed my forehead, and I listened to his heartbeat

He didn't want to let me go and kept me in place. I was more worried about him being uncomfortable under me, but he repeatedly told me that he was okay.

I woke up to a mouth filling up with saliva, so I rushed to the bathroom to spit it out,and what followed was just dry heaving and feeling nauseous.

Jungkook came with a glass of water and kneeled down beside me,rubbing my back and taking the hair out of my face

Tae:" Don't look at me

Jk:" Baby, you can't hide from me. I am going to be there for you all the way

Tae:" Maybe after them,we should use condoms

Jk:" No

Tae:" You can just indulge me and lie

Jk:" What good will that do?

Tae:" It will make me feel better.


Tae:" Ahhh Jeon,did you really have to put two in me? Huh?

Jk:" I don't want to apologize for that.

Tae:" Do you have a history of twins in your family?

Jk:" None that I am aware of. What about you?

Tae:" Same.

I took the glass of water that he brought and took a sip,rinsed my mouth and spit out,and drank the rest up.

He stood up and helped me up,closed the toilet seat lit, and sat down, bringing me down to straddle him. I hugged him and buried my face in his neck. He did what he did last night,rubbing my back to comfort me

Tae:" I don't think your babies like me .Shouldn't they be nice to the host?

Jk:" They adore you, baby.  Remind me to cut down on their allowance when they grow up for doing this to you.

Tae:" Mmmmmm.

Jk:" It's 7 am. Let's go back to bed

Tae:" I am hungry

Jk:" What do you want?

Tae:" Pickles and peanut butter

Jk:" Separately, right?

Tae:" I don't know, baby,it just sounds so good in my mind,

I pulled away from his neck to look him in the face, and he tried to kiss me,I quickly covered my mouth and shook my head

Jk:" What? You rinsed your mouth. I've tasted every inch of your body. Why are you so shy now

Tae:" Stop,we should probably go back to bed . I don't feel so good.

Jk:" Okay, honey.

He carried me to the bed and tugged me in. His eyes speak, he's worried about me

Jk:" I am sorry that you're going through this. I wish there was something that I could do to take the nausea away

Tae:" It's only going to be for the first trimester, babe. I have to endure it for just a little longer.

Jk:" We will ask the doctor what we can do,I will hire a chef to make exclusive dishes for you

Tae:" That's not necessary.  We will stick with Mi-yoon . I trust her .

Jk;" Should I bring your vitamins?

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