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I probably slept with a longing and emptiness next to me. Feeling his skin against my lips last was amazing, I wanted more, and I craved for more. I wanted to kiss him ,hear him moan against my lips,hold him for longer in my arms, but I understand why that can't happen right now. It's tough, but I have to pay for the consequences of my actions.

There's a lot that I have to take care of back home. So many people have to pay for what they did to me,most especially for what they did to Jin hyung.  I got up around 5 a.m.,just as Tae's Mom was getting up. She made tea for both of us even when I told her that I didn't want to trouble her.

Mom:" How did you sleep?

Jk:" I slept well,

Mom:" You have to give him some time. Be a little patient with him. What happened really took a toll on him?

Jk:" I am sorry, mom. I don't know a better way to apologize, but I will do right by you and him as well.

Mom:" I know you will.

Jk:" I love him,I am going to be patient and wait. I will be the man that Tae and my kids will be proud of.

Mom:" You do realize that his decision to keep you around is mainly because of the kids,right?

Jk:" Yes

Mom:" He does love you, but he's giving you a chance to redeem yourself.  If that doesn't scream adulthood, then I don't know what does

Jk:" You did an amazing job with him,with both of them. The world would've been a much greater place if we had more parents like you. It's something that I will never experience.

Mom:" I am sorry, son. Your parents don't deserve you or Jin.  You're both so precious and don't deserve what they've put you through.

Jk:" Mmmm

Mom:" Don't lose yourself in trying to make them pay for their sins. 

Jk:" I can't just let it go,and I am not going to forgive.  I will never forget the look on Tae's face,the horror in his eyes gosh  ( blinking the tears away) ahem,I am going to check in on him and be on my way. Thank you for having me,mom .

Mom:" You're welcome, Jungkookah.

I went to his room and opened it slowly,and walked inside.  I didn't want to wake him up,so I just kneeled down beside the bed and kissed his cheek and his stomach. He just changed his position and continued to sleep.

Jk:" ( whisper) I love you ,gorgeous

I then got up and walked out,closing the door back behind me. I was about to walk out when his mom gave me a sandwich to eat on  my way back.

Jk:" Thank you, mom

Mom:" Drive safely, son,just a little while longer, and Tae will be back.

Jk:" I know, I will wait. Thank you for -

Mom:" Don't thank me,he's my son,and grand babies,I will do anything for them.

I nodded and left the house,got in the car and we made our way back,it's approximately 3 hours to drive from Daegu to Seoul, I will spend this time to first eat my sandwich, do some work on the laptop,

I took a bite of the sandwich, and I just couldn't resist the tears that were burning my eyes,ready to fall out. I would give anything for my mom to just cook a meal for us or make a simple sandwiches filled with so much love

I am fuming with anger,I just really want to hurt someone so badly. I am going to hurt my parents so good  . Oh this is going to be so good

The first person that I want to see first is my dearest Doctor . I trusted this man with my life. I sent his kids to college, university, I donate to his clinic yearly. I was at all of his kids weddings ,and his wedding anniversaries, if I couldn't make it I still showered them with gifts.  This isn't about how much money was spent  ,it's about the the trust that I had in him.

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