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Tae's POV

I stayed in my mom's room last night. I didn't want to see him or talk to him . I know it's not his fault, but that doesn't make it hurt any less.  It's Sunday, and the salon doesn't open today, but I just need to get out of here, or else I am going to go crazy.

I just tossed and turned the whole night because I threw my phone at Jungkook last night.  I probably shouldn't have done that because I would be on my phone right now.

I decided to get up,made up my mom's bed, and went to the bathroom to wash my face ,looking at myself in the mirror.

Tae:" How much further are they going to take this? How much more can I take before I break?

I then went to the door and unlocked it, getting startled by Jungkook standing right outside. We looked at each other, and I tried to walk away from him, but he blocked my way

Jk:" Can we talk, please

Tae:" I don't have time right now. 

I walked past him to the kitchen, got a bottle of water , walked upstairs, went into our room, and picked the scattered pieces of my phone up from the floor. I set the pieces on the bedside drawer.

Jk:" Taehyung, I didn't propose to Jenny. You know that it was all a setup

Tae:" Mh -mh

Jk:" Why are you angry with me? I am not happy about it either

Tae:" I am not angry with you,I just don't know how I feel about it or how to deal with it right now .

Jk:" Don't push me away,please

Tae:" I am not

He took a step towards me, and I stepped back,which made him stop in his tracks

Jk:" Really?

Tae:" Jungkook, understand me,you are engaged now. Whether it was a setup or not,in the eyes of the netizens, you are engaged. I can't  -

Jk:" What? You can't what?

Tae:" I am going to take a bath,I am not going to close the door, but I am asking you not to enter.

Jk:" Don't you think you're being a little bit too harsh? I am a victim here

Tae:" Harsh? Me? You letting me have sex with an engaged guy,last night was harsh.

Jk:" I asked you to talk,but you didn't want to talk

Tae:" Yes,blame me,I will happily take the blame. You could've tried harder,

Jk:" Are you trying to say that last night was a mistake?

Tae:" It shouldn't have happened, that's what I am saying

Jk:" What does any of what we did last night have to do with freaking anything?

Tae:" It would've never happened, that's all I am saying

Jk:" Are you telling me that you regret what we did?

Tae:" I juh -

Jk:" Fine,be that way,make me the ass hole. Distance yourself from me. Is this how you fight against the enemy by pushing me away and telling me that you regret fucking me? Okay be that way,take the time you need.

The same time he walked out and slammed the door behind him,I went in the bathroom and started to get undressed . I stepped inside the shower,and opened the water,letting it just fall all over my body . We are at it again,and I feel like this time around maybe I am the one to blame.

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