90.He lied

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Tae's POV

Jungkook and I managed to keep my mom from coming to Seoul. He told her that there wasn't really much that she could do for his mom, but pray for Jin's sanity.

Last night,when he thought I was a sleep,he went out for quite some time. I didn't want to question him because I already knew the answers. This whole thing must be traumatizing, and I get why he doesn't want to share it

Jungkook and I are traveling tomorrow morning with Mi-yoon to the bling country Dubai. I don't know whether I still want to go, though. I don't feel like traveling ,and I know that if I bring it up, we are just going to argue because I already agreed to it.

Jin hyung refused to see or talk to anyone yesterday, even when we showed up to their house. He feels guilty for what he did. I just think that none of it should've even ever taken place. They should've just given them up to the authorities.

Jk:" What's on your mind?

We were still in bed,still naked from last night's activities.

Tae:" Nothing,I am just enjoying being with you

Jk:" Okay,now what are you doing?

Tae:" Nothing in particular

I reached behind and was busy stroking his already hardened dick

Tae:" Don't you like it?

Jk:" You already know that you're driving me fucking insane,but,don't get angry okay,I have to get up. I have to be there with Jin hyung when the police show up to give us an update

Tae:"I am going with you. So what's the rush?

Jk:" Taehyung, if we do this right now,we will go for seconds and only stop after the third round

Tae:" Okay, fine.

I let go of his dick and moved away from him

Jk:"You're angry

Tae:" I am not,I am cool . So cool that you can call me a cucumber

Jk:" (chuckled) Cucumber?

Tae:" Yes.

I got off from the bed and walked to the bathroom, closed it behind me,put the plastic cover over my cast,and just went right in the shower. A couple of minutes later,he stepped inside and I decided to keep my distance from him.

Jk:" So just because I said we couldn't do it now you're upset.

Tae:" I am not,I am just bathing

Jk:" Your appetite is extremely high.

Tae:" My hormones are just all over the place. Don't worry, soon I won't even want you to touch me. I am getting bigger and bigger, maybe slowly the tiny waist which you used to love so much has already discovered. To big for your taste

Jk:" How do you come up with this bullshit? Don't make me angry .

Tae:" What,it's true,I literally have to beg you to have sex with me. And I am the one who's pregnant. I might just get a dildo at this point.

Jk:"Are you serious right now?

Tae:" Yes,I am not like this,I don't always want to jump your bones. I am horny because I am fucking pregnant. I just want it at least once a day.

Jk:" I want you all the fucking time. And by the way fuck that talk about you getting bigger because nothing besides you stomach and that ass has gotten bigger. The only time I notice your stomach is when you turn to the side ,your waist is still small.

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