"In a world where crown forbids, their hearts dare to defy."
In the opulent city of Jodhpur, where ancient traditions meet modern aspirations, two hearts beat with a forbidden love.
Jahanvi Kumari, a spirited young woman living...
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My phone was ringing. It was my sister calling me. I really didn't knew what should I do at that moment.
I looked at him silently and he whispered, "Recieve the call."
I nodded and swiped up to receive the call.
"Where are you, Bai-sa? Maa-sa is getting tensed. When will you return from your student's house?"
My breathing got tensed. I heard the background noise and suddenly Maa-sa's voice invaded my ears.
"Where are you Jahanvi? It's so late. Your Bapu-sa will get angry if he'll come to know that you've not reached home yet."
I thought for a second about what to speak and then I lied when I remembered what Priya said at last, "I am not in the party Maa-sa. I left an hour ago. I'm at one of my student's house, Shristi. She was really sick and no one's at her home. I cannot leave her alone. Right? I'll return back as soon as her parents return home."
"No need to return back this late night. Stay wherever you are. I'll inform your bapu-sa. And take care of her and yours too. Understood? Call me if needed."
How can I stay back? Shit shit shit.
"But..Maa-sa I will come bac—"
She cut me off very gracefully, "No need to come back this LATE, Jahanvi. Just stay back at Shrishti's home. Her family is nice too."
"Stay back."
I have no choice.
"Ji, Maa-sa." I was about to cut when I heard Priyanjali's voice,
"Wait wait wait."
My eyes moved to him, who was trailing his finger back and forth on my bare arm and was adoring me.
"Yes, Priya."
"Put the call on speaker." I felt confused and asked, "Why?".
I heard the sound of locking of door in the background as she replied, "Just do it, bai-sa."
Moving my phone away from my ear, I clicked on the screen to turn on the speaker. "Yes." He raised his eyebrows confusingly too and I shrugged my shoulders, 'I don't know.'
"Did you do it?", her voice seemed excited. "Yes, Priyanjali Kumari."
And when she opened her mouth to speak, I was taken aback by her words,
"Hi jijo-sa!!!!"
I bit my lips and he bit his too, to stop himself from laughing.
"Are you dreaming, Priya?".
She laughed, "I know he is around, don't you dare lie to me."
"Shut up. Mad girl."
She laughed again, "Atleast tell him to greet me back, bai-sa. It's so disrespectful, you know, you shouldn't keep your sister-in-law awaiting for long."