"In a world where crown forbids, their hearts dare to defy."
In the opulent city of Jodhpur, where ancient traditions meet modern aspirations, two hearts beat with a forbidden love.
Jahanvi Kumari, a spirited young woman living...
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It was morning. I was sitting with my mother and Devishi, our eyes glued to the television screen as the news played out. The anchor’s voice filled the hall with news flashing literally on every other news channel. It's been showing the same news, same topic since last night.
“Breaking news tonight: A dark side to the Wadiyar family, whose lineage extends back generations, but recent investigations reveal deep-rooted connections to criminal enterprises.”
The footage shifted, showing grainy images from years past, hinting at scandals swept under the rug, alliances with figures in the drug world, and whispers of influence bought and paid for in dark corners. The anchor didn’t hold back, and it felt like each sentence spoken by him was cutting through the Wadiyars’ crafted reputation like a blade.
“Reports have emerged that members of the Wadiyar family used their influence to not only shield themselves from the law but also manipulate individuals close to them,” the anchor continued speaking. “An anonymous source claims the princess, Mitali, recently drugged the titular king of the royal family of Jodhpur, Devansh Shourya Singh, in an attempt to tarnish his reputation with false accusations.”
The TV screen showed the CCTV footage clips and explained everything accordingly by making it more spicy. It showed various footage where Maharajah of Wadiyar was himself caught talking about drugs, and exchanging money in return for it. It also showed the several cases that were filed against them still remained under covers.
The camera cut back to the anchor.
“This same source claims the Wadiyars have gone as far as to eliminate those who stood in their way. Just last week, an innocent man was killed under mysterious circumstances. Reports suggest this act was linked to their desire to intimidate others.”
Devishi’s hand found mine, her fingers clutching tightly. I didn’t move, didn’t shift my gaze from the screen, though I felt my pulse drum louder. My mother’s face grew pale.
The news segment continued, digging deeper, exposing financial records, witness testimonies, all linking back to the Wadiyar family. The headlines at the bottom of the screen flashed in bold red letters, cycling between “ROYAL SCANDAL EXPOSED” and “WADIYAR FAMILY’S CRIMINAL TIES REVEALED.”
The Wadiyars would never recover from this. Their name would be synonymous with deceit, corruption, and cruelty, and no amount of wealth or influence could rebuild what they’d lost tonight as a result of messing with my family.
My phone rang and it flashed the name of Krishiv. At the same time, Ishi's phone rang too. She stood up and excused herself to receive the call.
I received mine. “Yes, Krishiv.”
“We dropped the plan.”
“WHAT?” I asked, surprised.
“We had to. Before we could reach her, the CBI took her and her father away this morning. Major criminal cases were found against them, and surprisingly especially against Mitali. Selling drugs in exchange of money, even in her university. I don't think they would be able to escape it, Bhai-sa.”