"In a world where crown forbids, their hearts dare to defy."
In the opulent city of Jodhpur, where ancient traditions meet modern aspirations, two hearts beat with a forbidden love.
Jahanvi Kumari, a spirited young woman living...
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Its been a month since I returned back to Jodhpur from our trip. And preparations for Devishi's engagement were going on in full swing. Tomorrow is her engagement with Prince Yuvansh. All the shopping has been done one week back itself.
Guests were to arrive at the palace and the major problem for me was, Princess Mitali was also going to visit us along with her parents and her brother. They were going to arrive tonight at the palace. The only fear related to her was, that Maa-sa wasn't aware about me already being committed to my girl, and maybe she would try to pair me up with her.
After the exertion of the entire day, I moved towards the bed and dialled Jahanvi's number. She picked up after five rings.
"Yes," she replied bluntly. I knew why her tone was like that because I had literally been not able to give her time since last three days. It was expected.
"Baby, I'm sorry," I apologised directly, because that's what man in love do!
"What for?", her voice silent.
"Uh — for not being able to give you time."
"Ohhhh so you finally realized that you have a girlfriend too," she spoke and I literally laughed.
"Fine, keep on laughing, am disconnecting the call."
"No-no-no-no, I'm sorry, who laughed?".
"You Raja-sa, you laughed."
"See, now I'm sure you're angry with me, because you call me that when you're really upset from me."
She stayed silent.
"Jahanvi, I'll make up for 3 entire days, tomorrow, I promise," I spoke to her in a pleading voice.
"Fine, we'll meet tomorrow then," she said and disconnected the call.
Is she really that angry? She should understand that I was really busy.
My phone buzzed when I was still lost in my thoughts.
J : I love you, by the way.
I smiled, it buzzed again.
J : I'm high on Luteinizing hormone today, Sorry for my rude behaviour!
High on LH?
J : I'm missing you Devvvv, ummmm.
Oh God, I laughed. She is menstruating. I shouldn't have ignored her. My babygirl. It buzzed again.
J : Can you please take me for a long drive again?
I was about type my reply when her message came again.