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a/n alex gaskarth bye


"hey newbie, can you shred these for me?" michael glanced up from the doodling he was working on to see a brown haired man standing in front of michael's desk. michael nodded timidly and held out his hand for the papers. the man stepped forward and handed michael the papers, and michael got a good glimpse of his name tag, alex.

"are you coming up to eat lunch with the rest of us?" alex asked michael with a light british accent, running some fingers through his long brown hair, flashing dark brown eyes in michael's direction. michael shrugged although his tummy growled. he blushed and shifted through the papers alex had given him.

"c'mon, it'll be fun. i'll introduce you to everyone if you want," alex offered, making michael sneak another glance in his coworker's direction. "i'm alex, by the way."

"i-i'm michael," michael spoke gently, looking back down at his papers. "m'not sure it's a good idea for me to go to lunch. mr hemmings said that i don't need to today since it's my first day."

"hemmings won't even be there," alex insisted, then adjusted the bowtie around his neck. "also, while we're up there we can get you a name tag. i doubt that hemmings even remembered about you needing a name tag."

"d-do you always call him by his last name?" michael asked shyly, meeting alex's chocolaty brown eyes. alex smirked and nodded, obviously liking how michael thought that alex was such a badass.

"only because he won't quit calling me by my last name. now, let's go, newbie," alex pressured. michael sighed quietly, knowing that alex wouldn't leave until he got what he wanted. michael stood up and alex pumped his fist in triumph, leading michael to the elevator.

"you're gonna learn to hate this place," alex informed michael with a slow grin on his face. michael cocked his head to the side like a lost puppy, confused by alex's words, but the elevator doors opened before michael could question it. alex grasped michael's wrist and tugged him onto the second floor, bringing him all the way down the wide hallway into the very last room.

"hey, listen up, losers," alex announced loudly as he and michael walked in. michael felt his cheeks heat up as alex kept talking, "this is michael, our newbie."

"the one who took rosy's job?" someone spoke up by the snack machine. michael timidly nodded his head and the woman rolled her eyes, looking down at the coffee cup in her hand. michael felt bad even though, technically, he did nothing wrong.

"let's all treat him with kindness, yeah?" alex swept his gaze around the break room. some people murmured and nodded whilst others simply ignored alex, making michael assume that alex spoke up in front of everybody often.

"great," alex beamed and then grasped michael's wrist again, pulling him to the coffee machine, where two girls were chatting. "guys, this is michael. michael, this is brandi and sara."

michael offered both girls a smile, but sara just rolled her dark brown eyes heavily outlined with black eyeliner. brandi returned michael's smile and then politely took sara's arm and led them to one of the tables so they were out of alex's way of the coffee machine.

"you want a coffee, bro?" alex questioned as he grabbed a cup for himself. michael nodded, making alex grab another cup. the brown haired man poured the coffee for the two but gave michael his cup after that, not knowing if michael wanted creamer or not. michael decided that black coffee was just what he needed, so he took a long sip from his coffee cup as alex gave him an astonished look.

"how can you even drink black coffee?!" alex then proceeded to make a disgusted face before he grasped the creamer, pouring about half of it into his coffee until it was a milky brown. michael resisted the urge to make a face at how light alex liked his coffee and took another sip of his coffee delicately, enjoying the way the hot liquid traveled down his throat.

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