twenty two

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michael was waken up quite rudely by his best friend hovering over him and shaking his shoulders wildly, trying to get michael to wake up by whispering, "hey, mike, wake the fuck up." the black haired boy blinked and squinted at calum with a questioning glint in his green eyes, wondering what the fuck he wanted.

"i may have accidentally broke a lamp that was sitting next to the tv," calum said sheepishly, making michael groan and struggle to sit up. he glanced over at brooks sleeping soundly and swung his legs over the mattress, stealing a glance at the alarm clock. it was almost nine and michael's alarm was going to go off shortly, so why not get up now?

"um, okay, we'll d-deal with it th-this weekend," michael stifled a yawn, but quickly pulled his sheets over the lower part of his body once he realised that he had fallen asleep in merely the sweatshirt and panties.

calum nodded and glanced over to brooks briefly before leaving their bedroom to go back downstairs. michael stretched a bit, letting out a tiny kitten yawn before he let his gaze linger on brooks. with a small smirk, michael got out of bed and walked over to brooks' side of the bed, carefully throwing one leg over his body and hovering over his fiancé gently.

michael placed his fists on either side of brooks' head, glancing down at his body and shifting up a bit so that he could brush his fingers over brooks' length through the sheets. he watched as brooks shifted in his sleep, his lips parting a bit.

"w-wake up, babe," michael purred, lowering his lips to brooks' ear. he was startled when brooks immediately wrapped his arms around michael's body, causing the shorter boy to quit hovering over brooks and instead lay on brooks' body. michael squirmed and giggled as brooks' hands rested on michael's hips, pushing his sweatshirt up so that his thumbs could run over michael's smooth skin.

"you thought i was asleep," brooks laughed, pressing his lips against michael's jawline, "i've been up since i heard calum break that lamp fifteen minutes ago." michael let out a small laugh and struggled to hover back over brooks, his green eyes flickering between brooks' light blue ones before he closed the space between their lips.

"let's go have some breakfast, hm?" brooks asked, cupping one side of michael's face to gently make some space between their faces, "i noticed how skinny you're getting, and i want you to eat more. i'll feed you myself if that's what it's gonna take."

michael paused, a small frown appearing on his lips as he quickly shook his head. "no, i-i'm not getting sk-skinny. i-i'm eating the same a-amount i always eat," he lied right through his teeth, giving brooks a small pout in hopes for his fiancé to drop the topic.

"babe, your hipbones are sticking out," brooks pointed out, giving michael's hipbones a small squeeze to prove his point, "they never used to stick out. you gotta understand that i'm just worried about your health."

"th-there's no need to w-worry," michael insisted, getting up from hovering over brooks and watching as his fiancé sat up slowly and gave michael a disappointed look.

"yes, there is," brooks said softly, his thumbs rubbing circles into michael's soft skin, "you need to keep eating and not skip any meals, okay? promise me you won't skip anymore meals, mikey."

"p-promise," michael muttered, offering brooks a forced smile. he couldn't help but start to feel nervous about this promise because it was starting to become a habit to not eat any food. he was accustom to the emptiness in his stomach now.

"c'mon, let's go make sure calum doesn't break anything else," brooks joked as he got out of bed and reached for a pair of black jeans laying on the floor. he slid them on and looked over to michael, who was debating if he should put on pants or not.

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