thirty four

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empty apartment acoustic // yellowcard
my beautiful rescue // this providence


two weeks felt like two decades when michael didn't have luke by his side. yes, they did text everyday, but that wasn't enough for michael. he enjoyed physical contact and being able to see the love of his life every day, and not just the words he typed to michael over the phone. needless to say, michael fucking missed luke.

luke wouldn't reveal anything about if he found his mother or not through text. he promised michael that he'd tell him everything once he got home, since he didn't really enjoy texting. which, michael didn't mind all that much, but he got really impatient within the first three days of being without luke.

during those two weeks, michael spent the majority of it staying in their apartment and cuddling with blankets that smelled like luke's cologne. calum came by once or twice and watched a movie with michael, just so the black haired boy wouldn't feel so lonely. but every time his best friend would leave, michael couldn't help but feel so alone without luke's presence near him.

michael got so bored staring at the wall all day, so one day he visited brooks' grave. he bought some flowers and put them down by his grave before staying there for about half an hour. it made michael think back to his memories with brooks and overall made him miss his ex fiancé.

on the fourteenth day that marked luke's absence, michael leaped out of his bed filled with joy, because his boyfriend was finally coming home into michael's arms today.

after contemplating whether he should have anything for breakfast or not (he did eat), michael started to tidy up their bedroom and make sure that everything was nice and neat so that luke was returning to a clean home. he texted luke the entire time, talking about how excited he was to see luke again.

michael put on a pair of black stockings which made his thighs look nice in his opinion, along with a black sum 41 t-shirt that was a little bit oversized on him and came down to his upper thighs. the sable haired boy spent about fifteen minutes trying to get his dark hair to look like the way he wanted it to look, then lastly he did a spin in the mirror to observe the way he looked. he couldn't help but grin; finally satisfied with the way he looked for a change.

his phone let out a little beep to inform him of a new text message, so he happily raced to the opposite side of the room where his phone was charging to see who had texted him.

luke (10:13 am): so excited to see you today

mikey (10:14 am): me too!!!

mikey (10:14 am): wait, i'm not excited to see myself, i'm excited to see you. oops c:

luke (10:15 am): i love you so much wow.

mikey (10:16 am): i love you more!!! :DD

with a huge smile on his face, michael put down his phone and practically ran out of his bedroom and down the stairs, grabbing the tv remote and muting the alternative music channel that had been on. he did a full 360 degree spin, surveying every part of the apartment to make sure nothing was messy or out of place.

"i-i'm falling more in love w-with every single word i-i withhold," michael hummed under his breath as he took a seat on the couch, sweeping his gaze across the apartment one more time, "i-i'm falling more in love with ev-every single word you s-say."

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