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a/n michael seems kinda insane after brooks texted aha but basically hes really insecure about what happened in his past and he was trying to forget about it, but brooks brought it up drunkly and michael remembered all of it and tries to forget about it again

additionally, pls dont be nervous or scared to comment. like you guys vote but dont comment, if anything comments motivate me to update !!!!


"how did it go?" luke asked once michael left the decent sized room designed for patients to spend their time with their assigned doctors. michael glanced up at the sound of luke's voice and widened his green eyes a bit, not really expecting to see luke. he thought that luke would leave once he had paid, not sit around and wait for michael to be done.

"um, okay," michael responded, fiddling with his sweater paws. honestly the appointment wasn't that bad; michael's speech therapist was really nice and just asked michael to pronounce some words so she could figure out how bad his stutter was. she said that the next appointment tomorrow would be more exciting than that.

"that's good," luke awkwardly scratched the back of his head before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone that looked similar to michael's. "you, erm, left your phone out here and your fiancé or whatever texted you."

"oh, th-thanks," michael murmured, reaching out and taking his phone from luke. he ignored the look that luke got when their fingers touched and instead looked down at his phone, raising his eyebrows at the texts brooks had sent.

brooks (2:58 pm): heh i am so drunk we threw a pqrty here to celebrate mEEE and itsfun

brooks (3:25 pm): wish u were here we could have drunk sex ;')

brooks (3:47 pm): havent seen u drunk in so long :/ i miss when u used to drink a lot

brooks (5:14 pm): well now i know why u drank so much its suCH an amazing escape from reality heh

"everything okay?" luke asked quietly when he noticed that michael was angrily looking down at his phone, having an irritated look on his face. he quickly glanced up and shook his head, but he couldn't get brooks' texts out of his mind.

"i-i mean yes," michael quickly said, realising that he had shaken his head instead of nodding, "um, i'm okay."

"if you say so," luke mumbled, biting down on his black lip ring. michael shifted his weight from one foot to the other and began chewing on his short nails, feeling anxiety creep into his system. he was upset at brooks for those texts, but at the same time he felt obliged to call and make sure he was okay. but those texts hurt michael; brooks knew how much michael had been trying to forget about his past once he had gotten sober and brooks wasn't making it easy.

"can- can we leave?" michael asked, trying to quit zoning out as his obsessive thoughts took over his mind. he gave luke a pleading look and luke just nodded, reaching for michael's jacket on the chair and holding it out to michael. slowly, the black haired boy moved so he was standing in front of luke with his back facing luke and put his arms through the sleeves, feeling his breath quicken as luke silently helped michael shrug on the jacket. then michael turned around and he was a lot closer to luke than he expected.

luke opened his mouth to say something, but michael just flickered his gaze between luke's blue eyes before he leaned in and placed his lips on luke's, closing his green eyes as he did so and placing his hands at luke's lower back.

his boss hesitated before kissing the shorter boy back, deepening the kiss and closing his eyes. michael pushed luke back until the taller boy was pressed against the wall behind them, and luke grasped michael's hips tightly, pulling their lower regions closer together.

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