twenty three

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a/n- i honestly cant decide who would top/be dominant in cashton's relationship im so conflicted. what do you guys think i should have, dominant!ash or dominant!cal?? ((pls help me out and answer))

to the side/top is what michael wears, but instead of shorts imagine it with leggings xx


it was quite the shock to michael when calum shoved his cell phone in michael's face wildly with a huge grin on his face the second michael stepped inside his apartment. the shorter boy blinked and took a step back, a confused look spreading across his face.

"ashton's on the phone, he wants to talk to you," calum briefly explained, still holding his phone out to michael, "he wants to tell you some good news about the court case."

"w-we won?" michael asked happily, taking the phone from calum and then repeating himself in the phone as he put the cell phone up to his ear, awaiting for ashton to reply through the phone.

"you know it, michael," ashton's excited voice came though, making michael smile again. he couldn't help but feel happy that they had won, because that meant that luke did not have to pay the other company a cent. michael knew from a business class in high school that companies wanted a large amount of money when they sue someone, and michael didn't want luke to be drowning in debt.

"so, in honour of our win, the whole staff's going to booze bar in the downtown area. of course you're invited, and i was hoping to bring calum along," ashton paused, clearing his throat before adding, "could you ask him if he'd like to come with me?"

"as-ask him yourself, silly," michael giggled, holding the phone back out to calum. the tan boy accepted his cell phone, putting it back by his own ear.

"ask me what, ash?" calum questioned, giving michael a questioning look. the black haired boy just gave calum a closed mouthed smile, watching in anticipation for ashton to ask calum. he thought they made an adorable couple, if one of them would just man up and ask the other one out.

"of course i'll go with you, loser," calum chuckled, making michael grin again. they exchanged their goodbyes before calum hung up and slid his phone into the pocket of his black skinny jeans, glancing over to meet michael's eyes.

"c-come help me pick out an outfit, pl-please?" michael gave calum puppy dog eyes, something nobody could ever say no to. calum just rolled his brown eyes playfully but nodded to give his consent, and the two were racing each other up the stairs. calum won the small race, which upset michael but he didn't say much about it.

"should i-i wear my green day sh-shirt with m-my black jeans, or that wh-white shirt with leggings?" michael asked, digging inside his closet to pull out both shirts. he set them on his bed and then dug into his closet further to pull out his favourite ripped black skinny jeans and the tight black leggings, then took off his tie as calum observed both shirts.

"hm, i say go for whichever makes you more comfortable and happy," calum said as he sat down in the desk chair and began to go through some of the stuff on the messy desk. it was mostly brooks' papers from his job so michael didn't bother going through it much.

"so, are you excited for your wedding?" calum asked, his back turned as michael began to take off his work clothes. he sighed at the question and pulled on the white collared shirt, liking the way it didn't hug his body too tightly but didn't look too big on him. he wasn't the biggest fan of his figure or his hips.

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