twenty six

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t i m e  s k i p :: april first

one day until the wedding

"aw, michael, you look absolutely adorable in that suit!" brooks' mum gushed, latching onto her husband's arm. michael blushed and glanced at his reflection one last time in the mirror, making sure that the suit for tomorrow fit him perfectly before removing the black suit, leaving him in the white undershirt and black tie and black dress pants.

"i'm so damn lucky, aren't i?" brooks sighed contently from the bed where he had been sitting and watching michael try on his suit. brooks had already tried his on before michael, so now he was dressed in grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

"oh, where's karen?! she has to see how cute her son looks," brooks' mum, jamie, exclaimed, turning to open the hotel room's door. brooks' parents had already rented them a hotel room to stay in the night before and after the wedding, and brooks was planning on putting up romantic candles for the night after, since michael liked that stuff.

"mikey, you look perfect," karen murmured, walking into the hotel room and pressing a quick kiss to michael's cheek. "i wish your father could see you now, don't you?"

"i guess," michael shifted uncomfortably, not liking the mention of his late father, "so, i-i guess we'll see all of y-you tomorrow morning?"

"that's right, we'll be here at nine to drive you guys to the church," jamie informed, giving both boys one last smile, "okay, we'll leave you guys to it. see you both tomorrow morning, sweets!"

"love you, mikey," karen said with a smile, then leaned in to whisper into michael's ear, "and remember, let me know if you're having second thoughts and we can call it off. i want you to make sure you're marrying the right person, okay?"

"okay," michael said, smiling mildly at his mother, "th-thank you for the support; love y-you," with that, they bid their last goodbyes before their parents left the hotel room, leaving brooks and michael alone. michael took off the tie carefully once they had left and took off the dress pants, leaving him in the white undershirt and the lace, dark pink panties brooks had bought michael last week.

"peace and quiet, finally," brooks chuckled, throwing himself back against the bed with a 'thump' to emphasise how exhausted he was. michael laughed and then pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans before he took off his shirt and switched it with a simple good charlotte muscle tee.

"come 'ere," brooks murmured, sitting up and gripping onto michael's hips to pull him backwards into brooks' lap. michael snuggled up against his soon-to-be-husband to get comfortable, causing brooks to tighten his grip on michael's hips slightly.

"hi," michael whispered as he turned to face brooks, coming a lot closer to his face than he anticipated. brooks chuckled and cupped one side of michael's face, causing the shorter boy to lean into the warmth of brooks' hand.

"tomorrow night, baby boy," brooks said with a wide grin, his blue eyes shifting down to michael's dark pink lips as he kept talking, "i have the perfect night for us planned, and i'm going to make you feel so amazing."

"m'looking f-forward to it," michael promised before brooks closed the space between their lips, both boys closing their eyes instantly at the contact. michael nearly flinched backwards when he could only feel sexual desires trapped between their lips, which made him nervous.

"tomorrow's coming by so slow, but when it happens i'm sure i'll think it's all a dream," brooks whispered as he pulled away, giving michael a small smile, "i remember seeing your innocent self three years ago and thinking to myself about how cute you were, and look at us now. i never expected to marry you."

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