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a/n - the way mikey looks @ the camera is my religion fuCK ME UP PLS

also, thanks for 6k reads my lil chocolate chip muffins ((bc i love chocolate chip muffins w all my heart, like how much i love you guys))!!


m i c h a e l

the first thing alex said to michael that monday morning was: "you do know that he's having affairs with more than one other person in this office, right?"

"n-no, h-he's not," michael blinked up at alex, not expecting alex to ever speak to him again after he had found out that michael was seeing luke secretly. alex scoffed at michael's words and ran some fingers through his messy brown hair, giving michael an annoyed look.

"yes, he is. brandi said that sara goes to see luke almost everyday after our lunch break to see luke," alex paused before recalling, "so, he's seeing sara, you, kelly, arzaylea from the third floor, and talia from the fourth floor. you still love luke?"

"wh-why are you t-trying to ruin my h-happiness?" michael stuck his lower lip out a little bit in a pout, trying to place an innocent look on his face, "luke m-makes me happy."

"and he makes out with four other people behind your back," alex spoke bitterly, not caring that his words might hurt michael. the black haired boy just frowned uneasily, giving alex a shake of his head.

"okay, s-so you're s-saying if i-i were to g-go to his office a-after lunch, he would b-be with sara?" michael confirmed, giving alex a questioning look. his brown haired coworker nodded diligently but michael was still unsure about it all, or maybe he just didn't want to believe it.

"you should do it, bro," alex gave michael a closed mouthed smile, "might save you a lot of heartache in the future, when you choose him over brooks when luke is cheating on you." with that last statement alex stood upright and walked over to the elevator, leaving the first floor. michael chewed on his lower lip thoughtfully and then checked his cell phone.

cal (12:14 pm): you want any groceries?? im @ the grocery store rn

michael (12:16 pm): i think were good, but thanks :-) and hey.. when are you gonna head back to your own apartment?

cal (12:17 pm): whenever lacey takes all of her stuff and finds her own place

cal (12:18 pm): why, sick of me already?? ;p

michael (12:18 pm): i didn't say that, i love you cally !!!!! i was just wondering !

cal (12:19 pm): haha ok, ill see you when you get back from work! 5 rite?

michael (12:29 pm): yeah, i'll talk to you then!

since it was 12:30, michael decided to head up to the lunch room to grab his daily cup of coffee and sit with alex, brandi, and sara. he assumed that it would be awkward with sara since alex was accusing them of sleeping with the same guy, but hopefully he hadn't told sara or brandi about michael and luke.

his stomach twisted when he didn't see sara in the lunch room sitting with brandi and alex, but instead ashton was seated in sara's chair. michael went up to the coffee machine and poured his black coffee before walking up to them tentatively, offering ashton a small smile as he sat down next to the wavy haired boy.

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